I do think we need to find common ground on some of these major issues facing our nation.

Portland needs a mayor who is going to take on the significant issues this city is facing.

For me, poetry is a situation - a state of being, a way of facing life and facing history.

There's something incredibly primal about facing something treacherous but doing it anyway.

You must still stand up and say no when society is facing a backslide or a moment of danger.

Being a champion is not just being a frontrunner and being ahead, but it's facing adversity.

Alabama seniors all across the Third Congressional District continue facing high drug costs.

We're facing serious issues. We can either complain about it or try to step in and solve it.

I have been modelling since I was four years old so facing the camera is second nature to me.

I was confident while facing the camera because I was comfortable in front of a live audience.

I think the Sino-American relationship is the most important geo-strategic question facing us.

We added Medicare Part D to a system facing bankruptcy and gave no thought to means testing it.

The problem of direct colour photography has been facing us since the turn of the last century.

Funding for sports (and the arts) are often the first things facing the chop in difficult times.

The greatest threat facing humanity is a radical Islamist regime meeting up with nuclear weapons.

We want to make sure that anyone facing eviction has access to high-quality legal representation.

I don't want to claim that my government can find solutions to all the problems facing the people.

But when I stopped facing Sandy, I had to face Don Drysdale. No one on my team wanted to face him.

The biggest challenge facing a missionary today is to forget himself and lose himself in the work.

Facing a great server makes a match so much more difficult, even for the best players in the world.

Access to basic quality health care is one of the most important domestic issues facing our nation.

There are a lot of challenges we are facing, like how you are supposed to react to emotional stress.

I try to do films that touch upon social issues or problems that the country or the world is facing.

As a fast player, I want to receive the ball facing the opposition goal, which gives me more vision.

India doesn't take responsibility for the problems that the world is facing because of thermal coal.

When I found myself facing jeers by wearing the shirts of Juventus and Milan, I always accepted them.

We are not facing China alone; we are facing China together with a lot of other people in the region.

We must not become perpetually distracted from the great challenges facing our country and the world.

The most important thing to me is facing people head on and focusing on not disappointing the public.

Veganism is an answer for almost every problem facing the world in terms of hunger and climate change.

Deficits. Most people of knowledge say it's the biggest single problem facing the economic free world.

I am facing threats. But I believe that death is preordained - when you are meant to die, you will die.

We are passing through a very sensitive time, and on the whole, this country is facing very big problems.

I want to be the president of all the people of France, for the patriots facing the threat of nationalism.

I'm facing upstage, with my back to the audience, and the spotlight comes up on my back as I start singing.

I'm not a victim - I'm a survivor of hunger, of hate, of different injustices that humans are facing today.

When facing symphonic orchestras which have played some works five thousands times, you have nothing to do.

I can't persuade myself that one of the problems facing the planet today might be a shortage of books by me.

I have never lived through any time in my career when there haven't been grave challenges facing newspapers.

Even after facing jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. courageously and boldly spoke out against racial inequality.

I find teaching - I like it, but I find just walking into the classroom and facing the students very difficult.

I have very tidy cupboards. I do like a cupboard to look nice when you open it, with the labels facing forward.

And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?

I want to create an informed and respectful dialogue about the opportunities and challenges facing our veterans.

The world is facing a new networked, digital lifestyle, and we will ensure that Canon remains ahead of the game.

Without any doubt, the Iranian threat is the biggest threat facing the Jewish people since the Second World War.

I had become shy of life's bustle in my solitary retreat and was apprehensive at the thought of facing the world.

Obesity is a problem that nearly every nation in the world is facing, but there is much that we can do to fix it.

Wal-Mart impoverished its own customer base. Google is facing exactly the same issue long-term, although not yet.

We have a number of difficulties facing our nation, but I believe fatherlessness is right at the top of the list.

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