You always face a bunch of hands trying to stop you from working.

Before you become successful, you have to fall down on your face.

Labor's face is wrinkled with the wind, and swarthy with the sun.

In the face of anger, the best response is a burst of tenderness.

So face with calm that heritage And earn contempt before the age.

There is only one woman in the world. One woman, with many faces.

Even the laziest King flees wildly in the face of a double check!

We no more forget the faces of our enemies than of those we love.

Or are you like the painting of a sorrow, a face without a heart?

We see God face to face every hour, and know the savor of Nature.

Fear is a phenomena that each one of us faces, in different ways.

What's a friend for if not to face almost certain death with, eh?

I like what you've done to your face," Ben said, tapping his eye.

Look around, Punjab is full of potential, talent, handsome faces.

I face my future peacefully and calmly because I know I am enough

There is no other way to find ourselves but in each others faces.

Smiling face is always beautiful even if it is hundred years old!

Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the opressor.

Reactionary: a man walking backwards with his face to the future.

We show our faces to demand human rights for everyone, everywhere.

Let me apologize for all the faces I've worn, none of them my own.

Sell stupid somewhere else--there's nothing better than that face!

One cannot choose what he writes - one can only choose to face it.

You know, more than anything I miss the happy faces on a film set.

It is the mainspring of life, courage. And courage has many faces.

There's something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face

Faith can give us courage to face the uncertainties of the future.

Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, face the facts.

We can't win friends with a scowling face and an upbraiding voice.

The Duke and Swing represent affirmation in the face of adversity.

I'd prefer it if the coach said certain things to me face to face.

A miracle that can never be: your face, your hands, pledged to me.

Injustice wears ever the same harsh face wherever it shows itself.

Real courage is knowing what faces you and knowing how to face it.

When you educate a girl, you begin to change the face of a nation.

You know, I was not an attractive child - I never had a cute face.

If you ever managed to make me cry, my tears would sear your face.

After a certain number of years, our faces become our biographies.

When you photograph a face . . .you photograph the soul behind it.

The only reality you can control is the one you're willing to face.

Farmers are the only indispensable people on the face of the earth.

Jiu-Jitsu is like a philosophy. It helps me learn how to face life.

Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so.

Everyone faces the challenge of finding meaning to their suffering.

The only competition you will ever face is with your own ignorance.

Good writing is like a bomb: it explodes in the face of the reader.

The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.

It's no fun losing a tooth or getting your face whacked by a stick.

Time's chariot-wheels make their carriage-road in the fairest face.

People who eat with their mouth open should be punched in the face.

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