Where is your unit?" Murphy asked. I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Right where it's always been, dollface.

The proper eyebrows can balance wide cheekbones or make the length of the face appear more proportionate.

The best thing we can do if we want the Russians to let us be Americans is to let the Russians be Russian.

Making the decision to do more serious work raises eyebrows. It's less easy for the industry to deal with.

I sensed only an instant of apprehension. She never raised an eyebrow at the question.. Such a brave girl.

I have really thick bushy eyebrows that I used to pluck into a thin line which used to really annoy my Mum!

The bomb and the entrance of the Russians into the war will certainly have an effect on hastening the victory.

I had a year off from the fringe, which was weird for my eyebrows because they hadn't seen the sun for 10 years.

Oh, I don't know. I might grow on you." She furrowed her pretty eyebrows. "Like a cancer?" "Like a favorite vice.

I came up with this technique with eyebrows - where they should start and where they should end - which I patented.

The jabroni beating, pie eating, trail-blazin', eyebrow raisin', all around, smack it down People's Champ, The Rock!

I like dramatic and crazy, weird, ridiculous eyebrows but I know the majority of people don't do their brows like me.

I always thought I had crooked eyebrows and crooked teeth. That's why I never understood why people called me a beauty.

My acting range has always been something between the two extremes of 'raises left eyebrow' and 'raises right eyebrow.'

I only have to do three things to look halfway decent. Curl my eyelashes, fill in my eyebrows and put some lipstick on.

Plucked her eyebrows on the way, shaved her legs and then he was a she. She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side.

Firth - all dodgy 'tache and frantic eyebrows - has got the sexual allure of a man who runs a swingers' club in Surbiton.

I did that thing where you scratch your eyebrow and flip someone off at the same time. I'm good at multitasking like that.

I never let anyone pluck, including myself, unless my mom approves. She guards my eyebrows. She's like the eyebrow police!

You have to be more discerning, Lily, when experimenting with bondage." He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'd make a great master.

Chemo does its best to make you lose your femininity. You lose your hair. You lose your eyelashes. You lose your eyebrows.

When I was 15, if Stephen Fry had advised me to trim my eyebrows with a Flymo, I would have given it serious consideration.

Doctor, you don't know what it is to doubt everything, even yourself. No, you don't; you couldn't with eyebrows like yours.

You've got to nip things that can be detrimental in the bud, even if this raises a few eyebrows or invites some opposition.

The only thing I know about being Asian is that my hair is black and my eyelashes are straight and I have strange eyebrows.

I've always been a missionary and what people don't know is that I've always taken some strategic and eyebrow-raising steps.

I reached up with my finger and traced the scar over my eyebrow, remembering when that was the greatest hurt I'd ever known.

Eyebrows are the most difficult beauty feature to master - we all have different bone structure, brow texture, and coloring.

Grandpa?" Declan raised his eyebrows. "We keep him in the shed out back," Jack said helpfully. "So he doesn't eat dog brains.

No female iniquity was more severely condemned than the habit of plucking eyebrows and the hairline to heighten the forehead.

When I'm doing my makeup, my favorite feature to enhance is the brows. They frame your face - good eyebrows are so important.

In 1997, I decided to open a salon in Beverly Hills. At that time there were no products for eyebrows, so I developed a line.

Nobody's ever asked me to a party before, as a friend. Is that why you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?

No need to act, i let my fear show "He killed himself," i whispered. Eve raised an eyebrow. "Fourteen times?" "He had bad aim.

If I make a move, like raise my eyebrows, some critic says I'm doing Nicholson. What am I supposed to do, cut off my eyebrows?

When I was a kid, I was at a bowling alley and I ran into a soda machine. I still have the scar on my right eyebrow obviously.

I do not tweeze my eyebrows. I've been letting them grow out for years. I try to fill them in wherever nature has abandoned me.

I put a mustache and some eyebrows on, and I looked just like Nicolas Cage. ... We have the same amazingly handsome good looks.

Be different, be altruistic. Be strange, work for others in response to their harm. Raise eyebrows, be generous without agenda.

What's great about being a character actor is you know that you can survive forever. It's not about the gloss of your eyebrows.

I need a sample of your blood,' said Kira. Marcus raised an eyebrow. 'I didn't know we'd reached that stage of our relationship.

Maybe he likes the look of Mae," Nick drawled. "Don't be ridiculous." Nick raised his eyebrows. "Does he like the look of Jamie?

This is your one chance. Tell me where the key is." "Okay." Serpine raised an eyebrow. "Really?" "No, only joking. Do your worst.

I'm naturally a mousy blonde, so I dye my hair, and my eyebrows would disappear if I didn't get through at least a pencil a month.

Looking scary with a baseball outfit on and a little bouffant, you know, it just does not work. Especially with sculpted eyebrows.

I completely took off my eyebrows one time for a screen test. I hadn't even gotten the role yet. So you have to have a commitment.

I completely took off my eyebrows one time for a screen test. I hadn't even gotten the role yet. So you have to have a commitment.

People didn't believe that eyebrows were a business. I believed in it, and I think that's enough. If you believe it, you can do it.

The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows.

I'm so envious of that genetic wiring that immediately puts a smile on your face. My genetic wiring just puts creases in my eyebrows.

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