Habituation puts to sleep the eye of our judgment.

For myself, I am very small indeed in my own eyes.

In love, first please the eye, then win the heart.

When I looked in his eyes, I just kept on walking.

On a farm the best fertilizer is the master's eye.

Open your eyes and the whole world is full of God.

We must look at ourselves with the strictest eyes.

To the untrained eye, poker seems deceptively easy.

I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes.

So much beauty in the world, so few eyes to see it.

The eye seems to be responding to something living.

Eyes that have never wept cannot comprehend sorrow.

Truth, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.

I had to make sure I kept an eye on the real world.

Every age has a keyhole to which its eye is pasted.

The worst calamity: 'To have eyes and fail to see.'

The eye condition that I have is Marfan's Syndrome.

Something flickers across his bloodshot eyes. Pain.

I don't make music for eyes. I make music for ears.

Love does not see with the eyes, but with the soul.

Warriors always have a certain gleam in their eyes.

If the heart becomes hardened, the eye becomes dry.

Occasionally, I'll wear glitter or blue eye shadow.

Modest women choose a man by the mind, not the eye.

The ear is a less trustworthy witness than the eye.

The least touchable object in the world is the eye.

She turned the key, never taking her eyes from him.

Hee that blowes in the dust fills his eyes with it.

The eye may see for the hand, but not for the mind.

If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful.

The human being, creature of eyes, needs the image.

No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.

A critic without a good eye is a eunuch in a harem.

In your eyes of mourning the land of dreams begins.

As sight is in the eye, so is the mind in the soul!

Having one's eyes opened doesn't make one grateful.

Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil.

Have I been wrong? Have I been wise to shut my eyes?

The heart has eyes which the brain knows nothing of.

Religion, Credit, and the Eye are not to be touched.

Poets are Damned... but See with the Eyes of Angels.

Bias and impartiality is in the eye of the beholder.

Instead of seeking new landscapes, develop new eyes.

When lying to someone, look him straight in the eye.

We cannot avert our eyes without staining our souls.

Justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Even beauty may present a prism wearying to the eye.

Diseases of the eye are to bee cured with the elbow.

Nothing in this world is useless in the eyes of God.

To command, you must first of all speak to the eyes.

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