I was always very extroverted and loud.

I'm not a particularly extroverted person.

I am not considered to be extroverted - except on the stage.

I'm so extroverted. I wanna learn how to be introverted, though.

I wasn't an extroverted kid. I was very academic and very introverted.

Social media is an advertisement for the superficial extroverted self.

I think there's times where I'm introverted, and there's times where I'm extroverted.

Jazz of the sort we play is a happy, extroverted music. You don't have to think about it too much.

I was introverted, shy. But if you win a lot you need to be extroverted, or they'll think you're arrogant.

I tend to be a little bit more quiet and just to myself. I'm a little bit more introverted than extroverted.

My wife is one of the most extroverted people I know. She could out-talk Oprah and Joyce Meyer simultaneously.

I'm not an extroverted person, nor am I hyper-confident in my point of view. I just don't have that personality.

'Xen,' to me, was a necessary excursion inward, into myself. 'Mutant' is a response to it and is more extroverted.

Before my mum passed away, I was a very extroverted person; I was very outgoing. I didn't care what people thought about me.

There's a really positive side of being an introvert - you really pick up on things a lot more than your extroverted counterparts.

I had had an extroverted personality with a lot of friends, but when I lost the weight and grew so tall, I withdrew within myself.

Stiles is a version of me that rarely exists in the real world. He's so confident and extroverted, and I'm much more restrained and internal.

By nature, my default place is a very introverted one, so it's funny to be in such an extroverted profession. I'm a little inappropriately in it.

Some people are just quiet - they don't need to be talking all the time and aren't extroverted, but they're not necessarily afraid to talk. I'm not really a shy person.

I was pretty locked up emotionally as a kid - my family situation was tumultuous. But I was extroverted. So when I was in pain, I would tell jokes instead of expressing myself.

Reading and watching movies are the only two things I do. I'm moody, so at times I'm annoyingly introverted; at other times I'm annoyingly extroverted. So I think I'm an ambivert!

At Sunderland, all the girls knew each other. I wasn't that extroverted person to go join in. I was a little bit in my shell. But as soon as I started kicking a football, it was fine.

There are journalists who are drawn to the most extroverted, aggressive jobs because they get an ego high from it. It can be shocking to encounter them and even worse to work with them.

High school was interesting because I'm an extroverted introvert, meaning I'm sociably anti-social. I spent a lot of time saying I hated it, but truthfully, I enjoyed it for what it is.

My job is designing shoes. It's work that happens behind the scenes, as they say, and that suits me just fine because in general I am a shy person. But sometimes I have these extroverted outbursts.

Strapping Young Lad is a vehicle for me to be wild and extroverted and ridiculous. It gives me the chance to say, 'Look at me. I'm a heavy metal guy. I'm Rob Halford or Bruce Dickinson or whoever.'

I was an extroverted kid and performed, like, acting and singing. Then, the older I got, I realized I enjoyed performing things that I came up with myself more and I enjoyed making people laugh more than making people cry or think.

I had that extroverted energy, and I always involved myself in quite adult conversations. My mum never hid us from that. There was never a kids' table; we were never treated as kids, per se, because I don't think she believes in that.

I often feel that I have a split personality. I love more than anything to be in my study writing, but when it's time to do a book tour, I love that extroverted part, too - talking to people, reading, traveling, going out into the world.

If you're CEO of a company, you have to be a public person. You're speaking to the press, you're speaking to investors, you're speaking to employees, you're the public face of the company and so kind of naturally you become more extroverted, more outwards facing.

It's important for a parent to learn to take delight in a child whose behavior might seem mystifying. In the case of an extroverted parent with an introverted child, it can be learning to see the inner riches of your child that may not always be expressed on the surface - but are there.

I really like the group tour better than going it alone. First of all, it kind of takes the pressure off a little. I'm not a naturally extroverted person. But I also like it because it brings in new fans. For example, someone who really loves Aprilynne Pike's books might pick up mine and vice versa.

I think that you may find that Tamera's a little more vibrant and energetic, but I'm much more likely to go up to a person and say, 'Hi, I'm Tia, nice to meet you.' Whereas Tamera is like... well... she's a little shy. She's down to earth. I'm more extroverted and she's more introverted when meeting people.

Writing and producing television very much speaks to the extroverted part of my personality. I love collaboration, the joint effort of hundreds of people working together to create something. But the other part of who I am is extremely introverted. I love being alone and dreaming up ideas and writing novels.

I was an introverted kid; I liked my time alone. And the rest of my family is pretty extroverted, so I felt like a bit of an oddball. They're very gregarious and charming and charismatic people. I always felt like I was struggling as a young person. I think everyone was very surprised to hear that I wanted to be an actor.

Most people who have grown up introverted in this very extroverted culture of ours have had painful experiences of feeling like they are out of step with what's expected of them. Parenting can pose unique challenges for introverted parents, who fear that their own painful experiences will be repeated in their children's lives.

I'm in a really nice position because I can be selective with the modeling jobs that I do and just work with brands I'm passionate about. The two worlds balance out nicely for me because modeling is so social - it has travel, you meet people, it's extroverted. Whereas painting is very solitary - when I paint, I'm kind of in my own world.

While there are relatively few extreme introverts or extroverts, most of us lean in one direction or the other. If we lean more toward introversion, we'll generally prefer less social activity than more extroverted people. One inclination is not 'better' than another, but our culture can make it seem as if extroverts have a social advantage.

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