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I've been extremely lucky to be a part of these really great shows that have gotten so much attention.
I am extremely involved in the design process of both my brands, Winter Kate and House of Harlow 1960.
I have been extremely lucky; I am a person who is currently living with a cancer that is under control.
As I look at President Bush, I think he will ultimately be judged as a man of extremely high character.
The Commission is extremely important. The E.U. without the Commission would not be the European Union.
I am extremely proud to have the honour and privilege to be the Premier of this great state of Victoria.
Supergirl is such an iconic brand, and for me to be able to be the new face of it is extremely exciting.
It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation.
The Pacific Northwest, and particularly Whidbey Island, is extremely suited to be a location in a novel.
I mean, our primary businesses in wholesale pipelines, utilities, retail, were all doing extremely well.
I don't want to take a company public and not have it do extremely well and fail the public shareholder.
Yes, there are times when I get extremely depressed and how I sublimate those feelings is through music.
You can retire from a job, but don't ever retire from making extremely meaningful contributions in life.
I'm extremely grateful to all the first responders, veterans and their families for all their sacrifices.
Distrust all those who love you extremely upon a very slight acquaintance and without any visible reason.
Education is extremely important to the Hispanic community, as well as faith, and certainly working hard.
I think 'Crouching Tiger' is a genre of its own, and it's extremely well done, and God bless them for it.
My parents weren't extremely successful financially, but they were happy people. They gave me confidence.
I think it's extremely unlikely that the European Union will fracture with nations dropping off the edge.
I am extremely lucky; I've never been ill - although about 20 years ago I broke my right arm hang gliding.
I was ordered not to go out to Abu Ghraib after dark early on, because Abu Ghraib was extremely dangerous.
I wasn't thinking of the longevity of any of my songs, but I am extremely pleased with the lasting effect.
Nuclear arms and atomic power represent a technology in which coexistence with man is extremely difficult.
People might love themselves with the most entire and unbounded affection, and yet be extremely miserable.
I can't say I follow politics extremely closely, but I'm definitely aware of what's going on in the world.
If people remember me for any scene in a Lars von Trier film, I'm extremely honoured and forever grateful.
When the great history of trouble is written, my family will stand extremely high in the table of contents.
After things started to happen here, my choice of material was extremely limited. It was a weird situation.
I will be extremely happy if people start questioning political parties when they make electoral alliances.
In 'Finding Dory,' I play a whale shark named Destiny who can't swim very well. We're both extremely clumsy!
I'm very aware that to reach the same level and have the same amount of success will be extremely difficult.
The problem many people have with Italian food is they over-complicate it. Italian food is extremely simple.
We're going to have shortages and prices are going to go up. Gasoline is going to be extremely tight for us.
I get to shift multiple markets. I get to shift economies. It's extremely liberating. I breathe differently.
What motivates me has changed over time. My younger self was driven by the desire to be extremely successful.
Identity in the form of continuity of personality is an extremely important characteristic of the individual.
I would say, as loving as I am... I am definitely an extremely temperamental man who has a very large temper.
It's often been said that I'm an extremely depressing, cynical writer. I've never known what to make of that.
War is usually fought over diminishing resources, particulary those that we perceive to be extremely valuable.
After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair.
I was extremely lucky that I had two great wives. It sounds a bit funny to say that, but it's absolutely true.
I would never have become music director of the Chicago Symphony, which would have been an extremely sad loss.
I want to thank my Eritrean fans for feeling connected to me and for supporting me. I feel extremely grateful.
I'm lucky. I've worked with extremely talented women who won't sacrifice comedy to make themselves look better.
My dad is extremely successful, so I've seen the money and luxury growing up. I'm nowhere close to his stature.
While being called beautiful is extremely flattering, I would much rather be noticed for my work as an actress.
I love high-end designers, but a head-to-toe designer look for me is extremely boring. I've always mixed it up.
Our goal is to show that you can develop a robust, safe manned space program and do it at an extremely low cost.
Most of the people I know in show business don't need anybody pushing them at all. They're extremely aggressive.
I have been extremely fortunate to have incredibly special fans support my work throughout my twelve year career.