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I've done many ads because that's my new career. It's an inspiring extension for my mind.
The problem of the environment is the extension of good housekeeping of the thinking woman.
Many U.S. Sunday papers are monopolies, and their contents can be an extension of the daily.
Movies started out as an extension of a magic trick, so making a spectacle is part of the game.
A logical extension of our work on glycogen was to investigate the formation of starch in plants.
Charmed' is obviously so iconic, and to be part of an extension of that is like beyond thrilling.
Self-driving cars are the natural extension of active safety and obviously something we should do.
As a parent, I have a job as a role model to my children, and by extension, to other young people.
Sometimes sports serves as a reprieve from politics, and sometimes it serves as an extension of it.
Any powerful technology has sauce for the goose and the gander... It's just an extension of humanity.
I had no intentions of going into sculpture but found that sculpture was just an extension of drawing.
I find award functions laughable. To me, it is just like an extension of a college annual day function.
When you're so used to operating the camera, it's an extension of your eye and your heart and your head.
My films are an extension of my poetry, using the white screen like the white page to be filled with images.
I truly believe our work is an extension of who we are, and I constantly strive to push myself and my teams.
Twitter is an extension of every dumb thought I have, firing it off - Instagram is a little more methodical.
When I rap, it's just an extension of how I speak, and that's how I talk. If you don't like it, don't listen.
I don't play pyrotechnic scales. I play about frustration, patience, anger. Music is an extension of my soul.
I think, as a young guy, I was always drawn to being in wild places. Climbing was a logical extension of that.
One way to understand light in the ocean of air is by flying it. Life in the air is an extension of perceiving.
The quarterback is an extension of the coach and has a certain type of swagger mentality, on and off the field.
We recently had an extension built, to house a closet. It's like the Tardis - I go in there and never come out.
I think people want the Cubs to succeed, and by extension, they want people associated with the Cubs to succeed.
My company is an extension of me, so when I designed my stores I wanted people to feel that they were in my home.
We saw the band as an acting job - it was an extension of 'Byker Grove.' We were even still called PJ and Duncan.
Typically, students slide into debt through the extension (by credit card companies) of unaffordable credit lines.
The point guard is always the leader on the floor, regardless: the extension out there on the floor for the coach.
Some people compare Spike Spiegel to Dirty Harry, and they're both antiheroes. But Spike is an extension of myself.
People talk about alienation in the city. Diners are a place where you feel comfortable, an extension of your house.
In America journalism is apt to be regarded as an extension of history: in Britain, as an extension of conversation.
My brands are an extension of me. They're close to me. It's not like running GM, where there's no emotional attachment.
I've always been an activist, so my participation in community outreach and helping is just a natural extension of that.
When I started acting professionally, it really felt like an extension of just playing around - it was all very organic.
I favor the extension of the middle-class tax cuts because in a recession they're stimulative and they help with demand.
I've never used Sybase in my life. How would I make an intelligent decision about this versus that with a Sybase extension?
I feel like 'Amelie' is very much an extension of me. She's a contemporary woman who sees the world through her imagination.
In the direct-to-consumer channel, we continue to look at the entire world as an extension opportunity for all of our brands.
As the Cold War melts into history, our first concern should be the preservation and extension of human rights and democracy.
It's become the norm that a player who has another year on his contract period has a decision between separation or extension.
I think humility - which I think is a very good value to adopt - is basically an extension of understanding your own ignorance.
Kids are the ultimate form of motivation. They're watching. They're mimicking. They're an extension of you. So you have to win.
It's appropriate that the word 'ignorance' is an extension of the word 'ignore.' We ignore so much and so we become ignore-ant.
The best wrestling characters are an extension of your real-life personality, and I've always been a bit of an attention seeker.
You cannot underestimate the body blow for a snooker player of having your cue broken. After all, it's an extension to your arm.
The extension and expansion of the payroll tax holidays for workers would be number one on my list and key to avoiding recession.
The lead character in 'Yennai Arindhaal' is like an extension of the protagonists of 'Kaakha Kaakha' and 'Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu.'
I know what we need to get done to leave the E.U. in a smooth fashion - and I also know that we do not need is a lengthy extension.
My style is an extension of acting and an outcome of some serious lessons I picked up learning when I did theatre in my early days.
My cinema is an extension of myself. A sort of life-testimony of my vital experience, with my few virtues and my numerous limitations.
The characters I portray are an extension of what I've seen, heard, or read, and so what you see in my films are how I understand life.