Foreign policy is an explicitly amoral enterprise.

Psychological horror is more interesting to me than the explicitly physical.

I'm seeing a lot of roles written explicitly for plus-size women, which is so cool.

The right to procreate is not guaranteed, explicitly or implicitly, by the Constitution.

VR is going to be defined by the content that is designed explicitly for virtual reality.

I think my films are always political, even if I don't put explicitly political things in them.

I have never made a game that wasn't explicitly about empowering players to tell their own story.

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to learn without being explicitly programmed.

I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people.

Privacy is not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution as freedom of speech is in the First Amendment.

Every game designer should make one explicitly world-changing game. Lawyers do pro bono work, why can't we?

Praise your child explicitly for how capable they are of learning rather than telling them how smart they are.

The Trump-Pence administration has truly become one of the most explicitly anti-LGBTQ administrations in history.

For a long time, I thought I would like to be a doctor. Such a good profession. So explicitly good. Never a waste of time.

No government in the world today has explicitly assigned the responsibility for planetary protection to any of its agencies.

When you work with people for a long time, you start to sense what they are thinking without having to communicate explicitly.

The process of philosophic and scientific enlightenment has shaken the stability of beliefs held explicitly as articles of faith.

Many times, when you do what I do or work in journalism in general, people try to not explicitly present their opinions on topics.

I am explicitly not opening the giant can of worms that is the ongoing current discussion of patent, copyright, and trademark reform.

When Oregon was founded as a state in 1857, its constitution explicitly banned Black people from visiting, living and owning property here.

My mother and father were born and raised in Pakistan, where religion is entrenched in the culture and the culture is explicitly unyielding.

Every philosophy is tinged with the coloring of some secret imaginative background, which never emerges explicitly into its train of reasoning.

To me, the success of the cyberactivists in Tunisia is actually very interesting, because many of them explicitly rejected any support from Washington.

The function of arts centers goes far beyond being places for performance. They might not be explicitly religious, but they are civic and social spaces.

The Hamas organization is explicitly dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is not a rhetorical gimmick; it is its declared unwavering primary goal.

Growing up in Michigan, I can't think of anything so explicitly communicated to me in my whole education experience as the vileness of in-your-face racism.

Many people don't think that the poor in the developing world can do work on a computer. They won't say it explicitly. But they think it's too sophisticated.

I think there is this rage on campuses about Donald Trump and - as someone who has written pretty explicitly about my disapproval of Trump - I can sympathize with that.

We need policymakers to keep an eye on gender and write policies that are explicitly designed to include underserved populations like girls in computer science courses.

The use of military force against a sovereign nation is an act of war. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution explicitly grants Congress the sole power to declare war.

In fact, many rock critics look askance at explicitly political lyrics, which I think is pretty stupid, without denying that some political lyrics are also pretty stupid.

Therefore, the observation must be explicitly made: In the Middle East and in the Muslim world, suspicions linger concerning the objectives of the West and notably the US.

Rather than engineering our economies solely to maximise GDP, Africa's business and political leaders must build economies explicitly designed to end poverty and inequality.

I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution, and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

I guess the more serious you play something, if the context is funny, then it will be funny and it doesn't really require you to be necessarily, explicitly humorous, or silly.

Often, just explicitly acknowledging how the other side must see things can help them open up to see your side and can help both parties achieve a fair and constructive outcome.

It is quite acceptable for either party to explicitly go after the black, Hispanic, or even the Jewish vote. In fact both parties gain an indispensable moral authority by doing so.

Although no one explicitly wants a president who could have a reliable fall back career in stand-up comedy, everyone shudders at the thought of a Rutherford B. Hayes or John Kerry.

Independence day is an interesting time to reflect on our strange fealty to institutions that the British left us, including those that were explicitly set up to be used against us.

I am proud to represent the first explicitly feminist government in the world, and one that has been at the forefront of advocating for greater attention to women, peace, and security.

I don't have any desire to do something that sounds explicitly rock. Like, I don't have a burning need to be a rock musician. I feel like I've taken that as far as I can take it, for me.

It's really easy to hide in metaphor or hide in a solo or instrumentation, but when you're saying explicitly this is how I feel it's a bit different - it makes you a more vulnerable person.

To think Being itself explicitly requires disregarding Being to the extent that it is only grounded and interpreted in terms of beings and for beings as their ground, as in all metaphysics.

You or I never buy an Intel product explicitly, and yet their sonic logo is far better known and more powerful than its visual equivalent. It's probably worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

What I would love to see is art that explicitly addresses not personal intimacies but anonymous intimacies: the vast collections of facts about you and me that now exist in giant server banks.

While not explicitly articulated in the Constitution, the presumption of innocence has, through Supreme Court opinions, become a fundamental tenet of our criminal-justice system, and rightly so.

I think when the president of the United States calls for military action, he should do it for a united people, especially when the methods have been so cruel, so explicitly directed at Americans.

Natalie Portman's approach to acting demands that she wears her heart on her sleeve so explicitly, the heart becomes the whole garment - a crimson chemise with streaks of blue veins running across it.

It would be some sort of shock horror story if a child left school unable to read or write. But we do not teach explicitly, or test in the main, either speaking or - much more importantly - listening.

Blackness, any sort of difference, is not a burden. Relegating blackness or other sorts of difference to serious books that explicitly engage with issues creates a context in which it can seem like one.

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