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Ideologies, however appealing, cannot shape the whole structure of perceptions and conduct unless they are embedded in daily experiences that confirm them.
Look at the darkest hit musicals - Cabaret, West Side Story, Carousel - they are exuberant experiences. They send you out of the theater filled with music.
My mom gave me enough self-worth to carry me through difficult experiences. She was very loving and accepting. She was like, 'Whelp, you're gay? OK, cool.'
Before I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, but now, I have had so many different experiences that they have given me what I want to get across in my music.
I hope being honest about my experiences and contextualizing them empowers young women to step into their truths, tell their own stories, and live visibly.
Barbara did the selecting and that's probably the most brilliant thing was she put together a group of women, different backgrounds, different experiences.
I remember the mentoring experiences of some teachers that I had, like a second term home room teacher in public school that really was very helpful to me.
Black women's intersectional experiences of racism and sexism have been a central but forgotten dynamic in the unfolding of feminist and antiracist agendas.
Every day, something new gets thrown at me, and I'm like, 'How did this happen?' I've gone through some of the craziest life experiences because of YouTube.
I had to skydive for the movie and I was terrified. Like everybody, I thought it was going to be one of those experiences that changes your life. It didn't.
My life's experiences, I've always had, my uncle used to call it antenna. I know what's going to happen oftentimes before it happened when it's involving me.
The reason man does not experience his true cultural self is that until he experiences another self as valid he has little basis for validating his own self.
And living in a metropolitan area which is ethnically diverse, our lives are very complicated, so our emotional experiences are going to be varied like that.
We grew out of the superhero comics, but we still liked comics, so we started putting our own experiences in the stories we were doing for our own amusement.
When we create out of our experiences, as feminists of color, women of color, we have to develop those structures that will present and circulate our culture.
I am living and having supernatural experiences. A lot of people get really freaked out about that. I speak in tongues; I've been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
I was that little kid: I was the one that was looking up to athletes and getting to see them and getting to be a part of it, and I remember those experiences.
There are people who can start having very powerful experiences without taking psychedelics. It can happen against their will. This is a universal phenomenon.
None of my own experiences ever finds its way into my work. However, the stages of my life - motherhood, middle age, etc. - often influence my subject matter.
Everyone has their own different life experiences which make them who they are. No two people's life experiences are the same. And mine are just unique to me.
Despair is despair, sorrow is sorrow, death is death. It's not about who is experiencing it; it's about building a bridge of empathy across these experiences.
For some people, home is family and their mom's house or their girl or whatever, and I have those experiences as well, but the biggest thing for me is Chicago.
The first task in teaching is to bring to consciousness what the students already believe by virtue of their personal experiences about themselves and society.
From our experiences with the site in Japan, we've come to ask, 'What can we learn about syndicating content from mobile devices and getting it up on YouTube?'
This wealth of experiences, personal and professional, have helped me appreciate the variety of perspectives that present themselves in every case that I hear.
Virtual reality is the 'ultimate empathy machine.' These experiences are more than documentaries. They're opportunities to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.
Where you have 20 people who all share roughly the same educational and life experiences, they're going to come up with the same solutions to the same problems.
I was born in Alabama and my first live music experiences were in church. Every Sunday we watched regional gospel groups on television singing their hearts out.
We need to be around our families not because we have so many shared experiences to talk about, but instead because they know precisely which subjects to avoid.
My own early experiences in war led me to suspect the value of discipline, even in that sphere where it is so often regarded as the first essential for success.
If I'd had more time or been a better writer, I would have tried to put the same ideas and experiences into a novel. But I didn't so I slapped it up on the Web.
I have worked with another first-time director who was not that open, and it was probably one of the worst experiences I ever had, so my antennas are really out.
I was fortunate enough to visit a lot of beautiful places around the world. The most astonishing and memorable experiences were my trips to Africa and Australia.
Military families miss out on experiences that most civilian families do not: birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, funerals and even the births of their children.
Too many people don't do things for fear of falling. You'll never get good unless you fall. Experiences and new accomplishments are feelings we should never lose.
I like new ballets because they're totally new. As you get older, new experiences are harder and harder to come by, so it's pretty great to have a new experience.
I've had the experience of going through homophobia in my work, and I can share my experiences so future generations don't have to deal with what I've dealt with.
My dearest friend in the movement is Jack Nichols. If there were no such thing as gay or straight, we would still talk and share experiences till the end of time.
I've had a life of all kinds of experiences - most of them good. And I've got eight kids and a wife that puts up with everything I do and keeps me out of trouble.
Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential process by which that intellect is cultivated beyond the commonplace experiences of everyday life.
I'd like to work with any actress from whom I can learn-one who has had many experiences with many directors and is willing to share some of her knowledge with me.
My biggest lesson I've learned about love is to keep on loving. Love is love; it's amazing. It's fine. It hurts. It's probably one of the best experiences in life.
The experiences of promoting my first album were really something; there is so much illusion in my environment (touring and pop music) that I wanted to clear away.
My grandfather was in World War II and fought in Europe in Army Infantry, so I have such a huge respect for him, and he's shared some personal experiences with me.
Calcutta is a very culturally-forward city. People encourage art, music, literature and I just feel like that's a city that looks for experiences over just retail.
The way that I live is in between the dual experiences of the tragedy mask and the comedy mask. I feel that I write best and think best in between those two masks.
I mean, I'm just speaking of my own experiences and my own desires, and it's a kind of a childlike wonder that could really possibly speculate on other dimensions.
A solitary, unused to speaking of what he sees and feels, has mental experiences which are at once more intense and less articulate than those of a gregarious man.
I speak often about my personal experiences with malaria in the field as a young public health officer because it had such a profound impact on my life and my work.
Ministers regularly meet soldiers that have returned from operational tours to hear about their experiences, including those who have recovered from their injuries.