Having experienced everything you don't want in a partner over time, it starts to narrow down to what you actually do want.

I am drawn to people who are like me - who have experienced the ups and downs of life but have come through the other side.

The most meaningful and spiritual prayers I have experienced contained many expressions of thanks and few, if any, requests.

I don't think I could write about something I've never experienced or felt; all my songs are about things I've been through.

The Ebola virus is unlike any health crisis we have ever experienced and needs a response unlike anything we have ever seen.

When you're an experienced celeb - which I am - you sometimes just need a bit of space, when you're not 'on'. I'm always on!

I seriously feel like Bowie was an astronaut who went into space and experienced things and brought back these... treasures.

I was only 18 and I'd be 22 if I was competing at London. I'm stronger and more experienced and I know I would have won gold.

I'll never sing something that I've never been through. So even if I didn't write it, I have to have at least experienced it.

But an experienced reader is also a self-aware and critical reader. I can't remember ever reading a story without judging it.

Money buys the most experienced teachers, less-crowded classrooms, high-quality teaching materials, and after-school programs.

At times, I've been incapacitated by anxiety and unhappiness. You really know what joy is if you have experienced the opposite.

I experienced Nazism as a child. Like many of my generation, I was motivated by the desire to prevent another war at any price.

Whether it is Jimmy Slyde or Lon Chaney or Gregory Hines, their dance shows what they experienced, what they had to go through.

I don't think I know a single person who's a minority who hasn't experienced some form of discrimination at one time or another.

I never thought getting older would be so great. But when it comes to depression, I have experienced less the older I've gotten.

It'll never get old to hear a song that I wrote on the radio or to hear what someone experienced when they heard a song I wrote.

In the perception of a tree we can distinguish the act of experiencing, or perceiving, from the thing experienced, or perceived.

Few cities have more skilled, experienced organizers and activists and grassroots organizations than St. Louis and Philadelphia.

So many of my rookie mistakes could have been avoided by first-hand exposure to other, more experienced technology entrepreneurs.

A lot of people who have experienced trauma at the hands of people they've trusted take responsibility, and that is what's toxic.

I've experienced a lot of successes. I've experienced a lot of failures. I've been able to get back up on my feet and keep going.

I always think that my assignment is to seek out stories that are experienced by people who don't get the ticket for Easy Street.

The experienced fighting pilot does not take unnecessary risks. His business is to shoot down enemy planes, not to get shot down.

The lessons I learned as an officer, the challenges I've faced, and the camaraderie I've experienced are at the core of who I am.

Only the person who has experienced light and darkness, war and peace, rise and fall, only that person has truly experienced life.

Growing up as Chinese-American, as someone who experienced racism, questions of 'otherness' are always at the forefront of my mind.

Talk to successful entrepreneurs. Learn about what they've experienced so you can avoid some of the pitfalls that come with wealth.

It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind.

I tend to write from a personal place, and most of the time when I'm writing by myself, it's coming from something I've experienced.

Whatever life we have experienced, if we can tell our story to someone who listens, we find it easier to deal with our circumstances.

I experienced no conflict between my mother and father, which was entirely due to my mother's compassion, intelligence, and maturity.

Love is an emotion. It can't be seen or touched, and it is experienced differently by everyone, therefore it is difficult to measure.

I've seen a lot and experienced so many different cultures, and that's helped me a lot in my career and helped me mature as a person.

Unless you have experienced it, it's difficult to describe the virulence of the Twitter storms that were unleashed on Trump skeptics.

Watching artists like Joplin perform, I felt that tingle down my spine; I experienced the wonders of a cultural and musical revolution.

Now that I've experienced ageism, I don't regard it as a bad thing. It's been a transition to something more exciting and maybe edgier.

This is kind of a dual existence where you are harsh but at the same time emotional. You are there because you have experienced trauma.

I've never experienced writer's block. When it's going really well, my body temperature goes up, and I'm flushed. I get quite delirious.

There are endless what-ifs that have really made me have an appreciation for my journey and everything I have experienced along the way.

Pence is far too conservative for me, but by all accounts, he's an intelligent, experienced, decent man with no skeletons in his closet.

I experienced bullying a lot. I was an only child, and I was kind of a small kid with a big mouth, and so I always got myself in trouble.

Lots of the cooking classes open to non-professionals are too low-level for experienced foodies, or don't offer enough hands-on training.

Most of the people that I learned and experienced jazz with have been with foreign white people, mostly from France. Excluding my family.

Thankfully, I have never experienced a miscarriage, but I have friends and family who have, and I've talked to them about their feelings.

I can speak of slavery only so far as it came under my own observation - only so far as I have known and experienced it in my own person.

When I reflect on the losses I've experienced, I've come to believe that those experiences were transformative, that they shaped who I am.

I'm from a working-class background, and I've experienced that worry of not having a job next week because the unions are going on strike.

I think I've always been pretty shameless about seeking out people much smarter and much more experienced than me from the very beginning.

No one becomes an expert in a new career overnight, even if you are coming from another career where you were established and experienced.

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