It was an experience being on a Beatles tour. They weren't very good. The singing was great, but the playing was a bit weak.

Indonesia was good - and crazy, too! It was a great experience to play there. I enjoyed the football. It wasn't easy. It's very hot.

I know I've had a charmed experience of being a parent, with healthy kids, a helpful partner, access to good day care, and great public schools.

People should be good, established people; the filmmaking and acting experience should be heartening. So I chose films where I would get a good experience, not just great roles.

I have good memories of Real Madrid. Professionally, it was a difficult period, but my experience there was very good in all senses, as I grew a lot, learned many things, and lived with great champions.

It's been great; the whole experience was surreal to me. To go from 'EastEnders' to 'X-Men' was like a dream. I could never have thought when I left 'EastEnders' that I would get this good a gig and so soon.

Brimstone was great. That was another occasion when they called me in to do the pilot and it turned into a regular job, which made me quite happy. It was another really good experience and we were all so surprised when they pulled the plug on it.

I loved the material when I first read it, and the experience of making the film was a great one. So when we came around to complete the trilogy, I just signed on board without even reading the scripts because the experience of the first film was so good.

John Abraham is a really good guy. We get along very well. It's a nice thing when you have a great tuning with your co-stars, as it makes the working experience all the better. Then you look forward to working with each other every day when you are shooting.

I have had this opportunity to go on a journey and experience the ride of racing cars, of different championships around the world, go-karts, F3, F4, and now F1. It's been so amazing to be able to experience that. There have been bad days, good days, and it's been a great ride.

I think the fantasy of being a movie star is more powerful than the reality. So, for me, even if it's not a great film or a great play I'm doing, to know that you went for it. You had an experience that made you grow artistically and personally. What's really satisfying is knowing that you did a good job.

I had a very good friend who was two years older than I was, and she was in law school, and she said, 'It's a great thing to do when you have no idea what you want to do.' And she was right. I learned a lot, I practiced law for 10 years. I've never looked back once I stopped practicing law, but it was a really good experience.

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