I recognize I am essentially a failed human being in the sense that I can't possibly live up to the expectations of an Almighty.

Dreaming is one thing, and working towards the dream is one thing, but working with expectations in mind is very self-defeating.

Expectations are just leftover praise. They are a blessing. If you didn't have the capability to meet them, they wouldn't exist.

I was so well loved by my mother that if people have any expectations of me I really don't notice because I'm hardest on myself.

To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the great, singular power of self-respect.

You can't fulfill all the expectations of everyone you know, so you might as well go ahead & disappoint them & get it over with.

My family had a lot of characteristics - achievements, ambitions, talents, expectations - that all seemed to be recessive in me.

Frustration is out of expectation; expectation is our projection. All kinds of love frustrate unless love is based in meditation.

People come with expectations and as a bandleader I constantly try to remind the audience to leave its expectations in the lobby.

We are often less grieved at disappointments than at ourselves for having said much concerning the certainty of our expectations.

I could hardly be responsible for my actions when everyone around me gave me every opportunity to sink to their low expectations.

We live in an age of global expectations. Our hopes have converged in many ways, none more so than in our democratic aspirations.

It's silly for me to raise expectations too much, but I think I'm right on the basic trend, which is shifting power to consumers.

It is the greatest of all mistakes to begin life with the expectation that it is going to be easy, or with the wish to have it so.

I think expectations of Doctor Who should always be high, because it's a show that must always progress and get better and better.

Half of our sorrows come from setting exalted standards for people and then breaking our hearts when they fail to live up to them.

I think both the space shuttle program and the International Space Station program have not really lived up to their expectations.

There is such a hype and a big build up to me, and it's very hard to meet those expectations. That's been a big stress in my life.

Great expectations are placed on this generation for the establishment of peaceful and neighborly relations in the North Caucasus.

If you're not just a little bit nervous before a match, you probably don't have the expectations of yourself that you should have.

The life of this transitory world is the expectation of death: to renounce life is to escape from the expectation of annihilation.

Probably every new and eagerly expected garment ever put on since clothes came in, fell a trifle short of the wearer's expectation.

I never had any expectations of winning a Grammy. It wasn't something I was set on, that I was hoping and praying and starving for.

You don't ask nobody to give what they can't give, or be what they can't be. You've learnt that, you got a headstart on heartbreak.

I have high expectations of myself. I always have, always will. That will never waver. I always believe in my talent - always have.

Always expect the best. Then if you have to hurdle a few tough problems, you will have generated the strength and courage to do so.

The American dream has now morphed into an expectation. And if it isn't provided, or if it doesn't happen, then people feel cheated.

In Texas, we do not hold high expectations for the [governor's] office; it's mostly been occupied by crooks, dorks and the comatose.

All earthly delights are sweeter in expectation than in enjoyment; but all spiritual pleasures more in fruition than in expectation.

All work flows from some underlying assumptions, and the content of that faith can dramatically change our expectations for our work.

I've reached a happy stage in my life - you can call it "happy" - but I have no expectations anymore. I'm glad I'm not young anymore.

Such is the power of imagination, that even a chimerical pleasure in expectation affects us more than a solid pleasure in possession.

I don't want to be set in music my whole life. I want to experience some of my youth not being Tom Misch, away from the expectations.

Few enterprises of great labor or hazard would be undertaken if we had not the power of magnifying the advantages we expect from them.

I think it's always nice to have a film where the underdog comes out on top, doing their best, and surpasses everybody's expectations.

I have to believe in myself, set goals for myself, set expectations for myself, and continue to work for those goals every single day.

When people have expectations, you're going to make a lot of them upset - when in fact I'm not trying to represent anybody but myself.

The expectation of my life was that I might be able to work for some good white folks. Now I got some good white folks working for me.

I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.

I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your expectations, no I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives within.

The first season [of Jessica Jones] exceeded my expectations already, so I'm just waiting to see what will happen in the second season.

People's expectations of what I'm capable of doing are very low. People have been used to hearing little one-liners and me play around.

I can only say that in life when you have the greatest expectations and you try to do things the right way, it doesn't always work out.

Although all of us desire happiness, few of us reach that goal because of the seemingly endless cycle of expectation and disappointment.

I stood up. It was all too much. I could not even meet my own expectations, and to be asked to deal with all theirs too was suffocating.

One of the things that gets me up in the morning is knowing that customer expectations are always rising, and I find that very exciting.

The hapless wit has his labors always to begin, the call for novelty is never satisfied, and one jest only raises expectation of another.

And since we are people of expectation, we are so convinced that another world is coming that we start living as if it were already here.

Love comes softly, it cannot be forced...cannot bear the weight of our expectations. Love always comes in the surrender - in the falling.

I'm not a birthday person. Maybe because I don't like to build expectations around that one day. You never know how it'll turn out to be.

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