Dance is not an exercise. Dance is an art.

Democracy belongs to those who exercise it.

Our minds are rendered buoyant by exercise.

I exercise at home - light cardio and yoga.

ability atrophies through lack of exercise.

I definitely eat in moderation and exercise.

I know exercise is important, but I hate it!

Exercise is the beste intrument in learnyng.

Sex without love is merely healthy exercise.

I love food, so exercise is important for me.

Power only tires those who don't exercise it.

Green exercise improves psychological health.

My chosen exercise is cycling. I just love it.

Exercise is an incredible key to feeling well.

You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.

Focusing on food and exercise changed my life.

You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.

I like to think I'm healthy. I exercise a lot.

We live by faith, and faith lives by exercise.

I like the idea of exercising, but I never do.

We all exercise agency in the choices we make.

I would rather exercise than read a newspaper.

I feel better if I exercise and eat healthily.

Freedom is a have to exercise it.

Freedom is a muscle... you have to exercise it.

I don't see the point of watching men exercise.

Drawing is exercise for a restless imagination.

Squash - that's not exercise, it's flagellation.

Competitions are what you do as a good exercise.

Remember that nutrition is 90%; exercise is 10%.

Exercise teaches you the pleasure of discipline.

Atheism is an exercise in intellectual contempt.

Running is not just exercise; it is a lifestyle.

Content is an obstacle to the exercise of power.

Start using your wings; they need some exercise.

Exercise caution, as I have advised many people.

I need fiction like you need to eat or exercise.

Laughter is a bodily exercise, precious to Health

A turn or two I'll walk To still my beating mind.

I have to be very careful about diet and exercise.

I have to be very careful about diet and exercise.

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.

If you are too busy to exercise, you are too busy.

A big mirror to exercise in front of is essential.

Creativity is an unending exercise in uncertainty.

Walking is great to be used as an exercise program.

God did not intend religion to be an exercise club.

Now if I don't take exercise I feel a bit frazzled.

Reading without purpose is sauntering not exercise.

No emergency excuses you from exercising tolerance.

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