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If I were to run for something, it would be something in New York, on the executive side.
In very rare circumstances, the executive branch might choose to ignore a court decision.
Eventually, I'd like to have some sort of role like a chief executive in a football club.
I've said all along we need a chief executive, not a chief politician, in the White House.
Serving in the executive branch is very different than sounding off from an academic perch.
Here in Nigeria, what makes the news is conflict between the executive and the legislature.
Good union leaders make excellent public leaders in the legislative and executive branches.
I think in every country that there is at least one executive who is scared of going crazy.
I'm not going to sit around and wait for some old studio executive to decide my career path.
An administration without a police executive is powerless and there were many proofs of this.
I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for predecessors as well.
We've got a low turnover management group and executive group who've grown up in the business.
The polished executive is ultimately the happy executive who can walk gracefully through life.
No duty the Executive had to perform was so trying as to put the right man in the right place.
I was the editor of the 'News of the World;' I was the editor of the 'Sun' and chief executive.
It is the function of the President, representing the executive principle, to execute the laws.
If the president is allowed to govern by executive action, then the rule of law greatly suffers.
The successful business executive can handle challenges and solve problems at a remarkable clip.
The ultimate test of a finished account executive is his ability to write a sound marketing plan.
I do believe Hong Kong's 5 million eligible voters want the chance to elect their chief executive.
It's often said that the most important qualities in a chief executive are character and judgment.
An executive is a person who always decides sometimes he decides correctly, but he always decides.
It is not the function of the leader of government business to discipline members of the executive.
I accept that responsibility and ask only that I be judged by my performance as its chief executive.
I was the chief executive once, I've been there. My recommendation to anybody is don't go backwards.
Governor Pawlenty has the same conservative convictions and executive experience I admire in my dad.
There is more credit and satisfaction in being a first-rate truck driver than a tenth-rate executive.
We didn't pass any constitutional amendments that affected the executive branch while I was governor.
Executive privilege is nowhere to be found in the Constitution, and thus is a very limited principle.
As mayor in an executive position, I have to dress more like an executive, which has been delightful.
If I can impact an executive and his or her team, I can help to change the culture of an organization.
I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician.
I've been a mogul and executive since the beginning of my career. People are just born with that skill.
Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it.
Only legislative, judicial, and executive action can completely guarantee the victory of the free world.
For every rude executive who makes it to the top, there are nine successful executives with good manners.
My bedroom was my executive office. Buyers came to my apartment and that's where they saw the collections.
Finding new voices with fresh ideas is the hardest and most rewarding part of a television executive's job.
I've made no secret that although I loved being a legislator, I particularly loved being a chief executive.
Friends of mine were the creators and executive producers of 'Damages,' people I knew from graduate school.
If the chief executive cannot have a party background, how can she ensure her team is wholeheartedly united?
Having diversity around the board room, the executive table, and up and down our stores is really important.
I don't know Channing Dungey well, but we have talked several times, and she seems like an amazing executive.
Life is very good. I'm the president and Chief Executive Officer of the Wireless trade association, the CTIA.
In the executive branch, winning by a whisker is as good as winning in a landslide, but not so in the Senate.
I think it's very important for hip-hop, when an artist reaches a certain level, to ascend to executive work.
Loyalty of the law-making power to the executive power was one of the dangers the political fathers foretold.
I think executive orders with Donald Trump would be a very blunt instrument with respect to the Constitution.
A good executive, when things aren't going well, gets down and finds out what's going wrong and tries to fix it.
Every president since George Washington has taken executive privilege seriously. Every Republican president has.