You are your projects!

Execution is everything.

Execute their airy purposes.

Execution is the chariot of genius.

Vision without execution is delusion.

Complexity is the enemy of execution!

It's not the dreaming, it's the doing.

Ideation without execution is delusion

Learn diligence before speedy execution.

Vision without execution is daydreaming.

Education without execution is extinction

Ideas are just a multiplier of execution.

Ideas are only as good as their execution

The threat is stronger than the execution.

Our emphasis is on execution, not winning.

Ideas without execution are hallucinations.

Execution is the job of the business leader.

Without execution, thinking is mere idleness.

Focus on execution rather than just the idea.

Strategy is a commodity, execution is an art.

Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything.

I'm not interested until I see their execution.

Ideas are not important in China – execution is

Innovation is rewarded. Execution is worshipped.

It's the execution that matters, never the idea.

How can you make a revolution without executions?

The severity of the laws prevents their execution.

The severity of the laws prevents their execution.

Execution as punishment is barbaric and unnecessary.

Banal ideas cannot be rescued by beautiful execution.

Execution will trump knowledge every day of the week.

A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.

I'm into, oh murders and executions mostly. It depends.

When it call comes down to it, nothing trumps execution.

Execution halts your breath, helter skelter spiral death.

Billing and cooing to me is worse to witness an execution.

Gin for executions, beer for birthdays, wine for weddings.

Invention requires an excited mind; execution, a calm one.

First feel sure of idea, then the execution will be easier.

If there were no executioners, there would be no executions.

Great execution towards a terrible idea will get you nowhere.

A writer cannot be judged for his project, only its execution.

Unfortunately the trick to great execution is to say no a lot.

Execution really shapes whether your company takes off or not.

Sometimes poor behavior is simply bad execution of good intent.

Vision without execution is delusion. The joy is in the results

Ideas don't make you rich. The correct execution of ideas does.

Everybody supplies their own ammunition for their own execution

Seeing something go from concept to execution is a thrill to me.

In the match, it's all about execution and keeping a clear head.

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