Hope is the most exciting thing there is in life.

Innocence is one of the most exciting things in the world.

I love to ski and drive fast cars and the thrill of exciting things.

It’s an incredibly exciting thing, this one, meaningless life of yours.

One of the exciting things about reporting is going to places you've never been to before.

One of the exciting things about reporting is going to places you've never been to before.

Making a video is one of the most exciting things for artists and fans. It's like a payoff.

There are people who like my work. So there are exciting things coming up to me, but it's slow of course.

I am a great believer in Indian entrepreneurship. There is a whole set of people doing so many exciting things.

Each year when we set up a new tour, we kind of push ourselves to come up with new ideas and new exciting things.

Beethoven's symphonies are not 'relaxing.' They are the most exciting things that have ever been created by a human being.

I worked with Harold Pinter once as my first Broadway show. It was one of the most exciting things that ever happened to me.

Joining the service is a great thing. I think everybody should join the service. It is a great life and we do exciting things.

I've flown in an international balloon race. I've piloted my own plane. I've ridden to the hounds. I've done a lot of exciting things.

I really do think VR is now one of the most exciting things that can be done in this whole sector of consumer electronic entertainment stuff.

I love my sponsors. They make things so much fun for me. We do really fun and exciting things, so I always have a blast. It doesn't ever seem like work.

That's one of the most exciting things about Michigan's future. We need to, we must capitalize on our alternative-energy vehicles that we can produce right here.

One of the exciting things about an entanglement puzzle is there's no end to it. Once you solve how to take it apart, you have to solve how to put it back together.

I think we are really in touch with what's going on around us in the world of music, trying to push the bar forward and try new and exciting things that our fans can react to.

I think one of the most exciting things about the whole digital side of publishing is that it eventually allows you to operate at any length. That also means shorter stuff, too.

It was in 1969, and I thought, wow, you know, I really didn't want to do a TV series. You know, I had my own act, and I was performing in Vegas and doing all of these exciting things.

I've learned some exciting things - mostly, that people really want to help each other; and that, if you can lay out a vision for them - and that vision is sincere and genuine - they'll get interested.

I really want to do a Western. I want to be the dude who is riding horses and doing exciting things - something where I get to do something physical and have to train for it. I don't want to be the damsel.

You can, I think, have a quiet and steady protagonist and not run the risk of terminal dullness as long as exciting things happen to them and around them, and crime is the ideal genre for making this come about.

It's easy to be lazy when there's food lying around backstage or there's a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further, ask around a bit, of course there are exciting things to discover.

The two most exciting things for me to get to work on 'The Wolverine' was getting to work with James Mangold, the director who directed '3:10 to Yuma' and 'Walk the Line' as well as getting to work with Hugh Jackman.

I have many friends and close collaborators working with Maker, which inspired my decision to join forces with the team, and couldn't be more excited to be part of the many exciting things happening at Maker and Disney.

Every so often you might have an outburst in the gallery. That's one of the most exciting things that happen because then you can say, 'Unless there's order we will call the Sergeant at Arms.' And that sounds really scary.

Our guests, in fact, who buy online with Ulta Beauty and in our store is our best guest. But what she is buying online is quite incremental. She is not just replenishing like-items: she is buying new and exciting things all the time.

I really enjoy watching people like Madonna, or Cher, or Barbra Streisand on the red carpet. I want to see people wearing exciting things that are different and to know that they're not just looking for the latest, most normal thing.

As a kid and avid sports fan, one of the most exciting things always was the introductions. To be that guy who makes the presentations and do my best for both the person being introduced and for the fans, is still very exciting for me.

That was one of the best, exciting things for me to play with them. They were very young and eager to go. I'd been playing with a band that was mostly old folks that had been together so long we couldn't do anything to excite each other.

For everything bad, there's a million really exciting things, whether it's someone puts out a really great book, there's a new movie, there's a new detective, the sky is unbelievably golden, or you have the best cup of coffee you ever had in your life.

Security is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers - organizing your lives, staying in touch with people, being creative - if we don't solve these security problems, then people will hold back.

Every day, I learn something new. I think one of the most exciting things for a writer is to work on a TV show. It's like a novel. You have a really long time to develop and learn about the characters, and you can just really keep digging in deeper, every week.

There is a potential to be a big explosion of what spaceflight is gonna mean to just an everyday person in the near future. I think it's very hopeful for our young people: all the exciting things that they could be doing in the future relative to space and space exploration.

The more time passes in your life, I think the greater you understand perspective. So I'm happy that I've had experiences that have reminded me that most exciting things might not feel so exciting later, and the most disappointing things might not be so disappointing later, either.

Technology is in fact one of the most exciting things that's happened to museums today - but one has to be careful about where one uses it. For instance, the Internet provides an incredible opportunity. It is a way for us to reach audiences around the world and further our educational mission.

So someday in the near future hopefully rather than having a foot or a leg amputated we'll just give you an injection of the cells and restore the blood flow. We've also created entire tubes of red blood cells from scratch in the laboratory. So there are a lot of exciting things in the pipeline.

One of the most exciting things about dark energy is that it seems to live at the very nexus of two of our most successful theories of physics: quantum mechanics, which explains the physics of the small, and Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, which explains the physics of the large, including gravity.

If you knew that your life was merely a phase or short, short segment of your entire existence, how would you live? Knowing nothing 'real' was at risk, what would you do? You'd live a gigantic, bold, fun, dazzling life. You know you would. That's what the ghosts want us to do - all the exciting things they no longer can.

One of the very, very exciting things I have found here in L.A. is that no one talks to you about being Scottish. Whereas, if you are in London and you are trying to put films together and be a film-maker, there is a kind of unspoken sense that, if you are Scottish, you have something to overcome or else you cannot really do that project.

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