The propensity to truck, barter and exchange one thing for another is common to all men, and to be found in no other race of animals.

The United States should give former NSA contractor Edward Snowden immunity from prosecution in exchange for congressional testimony.

I am an ardent believer in a free, democratic and inclusive society, and the robust exchange of views that is essential to tolerance.

Modernity is a deal. The entire contract can be summarised in a single phrase: humans agree to give up meaning in exchange for power.

When you talk about the exchange of energy between performer and audience and audience and performer, I hope that I'm one of the best.

I think money helps us. It helps us. It's our - it's our exchange system. But it does not buy you happiness. It doesn't buy you health.

The music is really about sharing an experience. That's why we call it Stay Human. It's like we're sharing this genuine human exchange.

Find the human in the technology. The currency marketers trade in has not changed even if the methods have. Emotion is what we exchange.

I like Armani Exchange, Guess, Rock & Republic. There's a lot of places. I'm not too picky. I like to be trendy, and I like to look good.

It took a long time, but I have learned that you just can't take anything you want out of life without putting something back in exchange.

Popularity isn't just something that happens. You have to give something in exchange for it, and that's the dangerous part of the process.

People who know me know that I'm always interested in an honest, civil exchange of views, and I'm not some Hollywood liberal know-nothing.

Trade, tourism, cultural exchange, and participation in international institutions all serve to erode the legitimacy of repressive regimes.

A debate has one purpose, one purpose only, and that is to facilitate the exchange of ideas directly between two candidates, and that's it.

If you want an alternative currency, check out gold. It has stood the test of thousands of years as a store of value and medium of exchange.

I had the opportunity to come to the United States of America as an exchange student, so I had to come for four months, work, and then go back.

I have decided never ever to put on weight again. Not even if Francis Ford Coppola were to offer me a role in exchange for putting on 25 kilos!

Ecstasy is almost never discussed anymore, but leaving the earth is one way of attaining it. To exchange ecstasy for death is often the bargain.

To follow imperfect, uncertain, or corrupted traditions, in order to avoid erring in our own judgment, is but to exchange one danger for another.

The genius idea of industrialism was the concept of the Model T: In exchange for something cheap and well-made, we'd forgo unique, lovely design.

I did not become successful in my work through embracing or engaging in celebrity culture. I never signed away my privacy in exchange for success.

I have seen throughout my professional career that the robust exchange of ideas and bipartisan compromises can bring about the best policy results.

A text conversation is a short exchange of often grossly truncated language that corresponds to a thought made all the more shallow by the process.

With so many ways to communicate at our disposal, we must not forget the transformative power of a live music experience and genuine human exchange.

We believe in fair exchange rates and Japan doesn't practice that. They have massive U.S. dollar reserves, and they use them to intervene regularly.

Synergies are not only about cost reduction. Synergies can be access to markets, exchange of products, avoiding overlaps, exchange of best practices.

On Onam Day, we wake up early in the morning and have a small pooja at home. After that there is onakkodi, where we exchange clothes with each other.

Politics in a democracy is transactional: Politicians seek votes by promising to do things for voters, who seek promises in exchange for their votes.

I always have the most fun on the Fourth of July. You don't have to exchange any gifts. You just go to the beach and watch fireworks. It's always fun.

I love being challenged and defending my positions and, when I'm wrong, learning from the exchange. It makes me smarter and better as a businessperson.

Surely it is time for Jews, worried over the huge growth of Arabs in Israel, to consider finishing the exchange of populations that began 35 years ago.

I was like, 'I don't get out of bed for less than $21 an hour!'... I temped at Chanel and the New York Stock Exchange, and then I'd come home and write.

The merit of a democratic regime rests on one's continual willingness to exchange views, and to compete on the basis of individual merit and capacities.

National borders have always been arbitrarily drawn by people, and in ancient times there was a lot of exchange of people and culture with the continent.

In the 1990s music was a beautiful collaborative process between the composer, lyricist and director. They would exchange ideas and magic used to happen.

Fossil fuel corporations are supposed to pay the government fair market royalties in exchange for the right to drill on public lands or in federal waters.

We always do a white elephant gift exchange on Christmas Eve, but my mom always gets really nice gifts for it. And we hang out in our PJs on Christmas Day.

Music is so much fun because each song is like a film in itself. You get to go from beginning to end and interact and exchange energy with a live audience.

I can't say 'OK, let's begin to exchange and see where it goes.' We want to give a fight and give people a good show, but you have to play on a safety zone.

I'm very happy to hear that my work inspires writers and painters. It's the most beautiful compliment, the greatest reward. Art should always be an exchange.

Value manifests itself as exchange value, as a quantitatively determined relationship, in virtue of the fact that one commodity can be exchanged for another.

The U.S. berates China for its exchange rate policy, which Washington doesn't like. But one-sided pressure on China to change its exchange rate is misplaced.

Love is often nothing but a favorable exchange between two people who get the most of what they can expect, considering their value on the personality market.

Email is not the simple exchange of text messages. Email is the electronic version of the interoffice mail system used for formal letter or memo communication.

The old boy network is still very strong and very true. Just look at the stock exchange and how many men and women are there. It is still very much run by men.

To realize peace on the Korean peninsula, and to develop exchange, cooperation between both Koreas, they are the, you know, immediate target of our government.

Primarily, a festival is a platform to sell films that are not meant for the mainstream audience. Cultural exchange is also important aspect of a film festival.

When I was 16, I went to Berlin - West Berlin, since at that time a wall still divided the city - to live for three months with a family on an exchange program.

What is interesting in this is the exchange of music that occurred between New Orleans and Cuba, I mean, they had ferries that would go from one port to another.

We used to exchange leotards with gymnasts from other countries. I don't remember who I got my most prized leotard from, but it was one with a lot of stars on it.

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