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We are not starting a revolution. We are starting an evolution of change.
Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born
Disaster is a natural part of my evolution toward tragedy and dissolution.
Evolution of consciousness is the central motive of terrestrial existence.
The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact.
If you're dumb enough to do crack, you're supposed to die. It's evolution.
An original sentence, a step forward, is worth more than all the censures.
I just understand that life is a constant change and a constant evolution.
Whatever we are going through is part of the planetary struggle to evolve.
Sexual self-restraint was only a preliminary stage in the ego's evolution.
We have vexed and bothered every plant and every animal on every continent.
I would like evolution to join the roster of other discredited religions...
Biology is the science. Evolution is the concept that makes biology unique.
Social evolution is demonstrated by movement towards unity, not separatism.
Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.
Design cannot precede evolution and therefore cannot underlie the universe.
Where there is age there is evolution, where there is life there is growth.
Evolution is a snail, but Revolution is a kangaroo; one crawls, other jumps!
Being a part of WWE Evolution, to me, is one of my greatest accomplishments.
A probing analysis of the problems of evolution forms the basis of my prose.
Thinking is a physical process, the human brain is not exempt from evolution
Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science - in all of biology.
If evolution exists in every living species, likewise so too does devolution.
Given that evolution is a fact, this lack of evolution needs to be explained.
Some folks seem to have descended from the chimpanzee much later than others.
The moral improvement demands an evolution leading to a higher consciousness.
At its grandest, political correctness is an attempt to accelerate evolution.
My recovery from manic depression has been an evolution, not a sudden miracle.
No myth of miraculous creation is so marvelous as the face of man's evolution.
For the first time in evolution as a species, we're hitting an energy ceiling.
It is God who creates, effects, and preserves all things through his almighty.
Evolution has long been the target of illogical arguments that use presumption.
Pop music follows the evolution of society in general: Everything moves faster.
The success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity.
Evolution is a light illuminating all facts, a curve that all lines must follow.
Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.
History is not just the evolution of technology; it is the evolution of thought.
Why didn't evolution make a giraffe good at carpentry so it could build a ladder?
E-Motion will have a very positive impact on the evolution of human consciousness
There is more religion in men's science, than there is science in their religion.
In general, the larger the breeding population, the slower the rate of evolution.
Humankind's constant effort to fix its shortcomings is what drives human history.
Literacy, written language is a very late acquisition in terms of human evolution.
The stream of tendency in which all things seek to fulfill the law of their being.
What is evolution if not creative adaptation and the progression of our own souls?
The individual is at the apex of his species' past, at the entrance to its future.
Evolution of mankind is paralleled by the increase and expansion of consciousness.
All evolution in thought and conduct must at first appear as heresy and misconduct.
Cow protection to me is one of the most wonderful phenomena in the human evolution.