Faith is an evil precisely because it requires no justification and brooks no argument.

Virtue is beauty, but the beauteous evil. Are empty trunks o'erflourished by the devil.

When healers yearn to kill then hope begins to die ... Evil cannot be overcome by evil.

And that's how we ended up discovering the evil horses that threatened all of humanity.

Little evil would be done in the world if evil never could be done in the name of good.

When will talkers refrain from evil speaking: when listeners refrain from evil-hearing.

This is the belief of the Left: You negotiate with evil, and get tough with your allies

If you want to be your own master ... always be surprised by evil; never anticipate it.

Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of those who mutilate the flesh!

If 'everything happens for a reason,' then every act of evil is ultimately God's doing.

Nonviolence implies voluntary submission to the penalty for non-co-operation with evil.

I always felt growing up that in the South there was evil but also good - so much good.

It is not only that sin consists in doing evil, but in not doing the good that we know.

The world is the best of all possible worlds, and everything in it is a necessary evil.

Evil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absorb what sticks to you.

Did not Jesus say, resist not evil — with evil? Is not war the worst form of that evil.

The mediation by the serpent was necessary. Evil can seduce man, but cannot become man.

We cannot remove the evils of capitalism without taking its source of power: ownership.

God dislikes evil, and no happiness can be built on hate. Love one another as brothers.

Gossip and rumor are evil; easy to lift up, heavy to carry, and hard to put down again.

Evil exists in us all, Torak. Some fight it. Some feed it. That's how it's always been.

Offensive acts come back upon the evil doer, like dust that is thrown against the wind.

... and we will test you with evil and with good; and unto us shall ye be brought back.

I have had some trouble in regarding evil as having been intended by infinite Goodness.

We do need to confront evil in this world, but we do need to work with the other nation.

One man alone can't defeat the forces of evil, but many good people coming together can.

Good never come of such evil, a happier end was not in nature to so unhappy a beginning.

There is a very good thing about hating evil. If you hate evil, that's all you will hate

Knowledge is always two-edged. For every benefit, there is hazard. For every good, evil.

Good people can't out-think evil, cause evil thinks of things good folks can't think of.

I think that you only occasionally have to play evil because everything you're doing is.

The descent to hell is easy and those who begin by worshipping power, soon worship evil.

Evil is merely privative, not absolute: it is like cold, which is the privation of beat.

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

In the 1930s one was aware of two great evils - mass unemployment and the threat of war.

The only greater [evil] than separation... [is] living under a government of discretion.

True and baseless evil is as rare as the purest good - and we all know how rare that is.

Why are we talking about this good and evil? They're just names for sides. We know that.

It's much less interesting as an actor playing someone who's purely good or purely evil.

The peasants of all lands recognize power and they salute it, whether it's good or evil.

I think we have a very Disneyfied, sterilized version of what an evil witch is nowadays.

Eating too much meat gives you indigestion and evil thoughts make you eat too much meat.

The secret of Christian living is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil.

When the soul hears no other calls than those of the sweet chaos of daily good and evil.

Evil is simply a grammatical error: a failure to leap the precipice between "he" and "I.

Christians must respond to evil with good, taking the cross upon themselves as Jesus did

Just like credit card companies, or those student loan people. Now there's evil for you.

Let evil swiftly befall those who have wrongly condemned us - God will avenge our death.

The relish of good and evil depends in a great measure upon the opinion we have of them.

Don't let us make imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter.

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