The audience for facts, evidence and research about microtargeting, Facebook and Brexit is tiny.

In reality, those rare few cases with good forensic evidence are the ones that make it to court.

I have no evidence that libertarianism leads to a better life. I just think it is morally right.

Let one persuade many, and he becomes confirmed and convinced, and cares for no better evidence.

There is little evidence that our individual intelligence has improved through recorded history.

If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.

The most savage controversies are about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.

There was never sufficient evidence presented at my trial to support a finding of intent to kill.

I've never had a penny through oil deals and no one has produced a shred of evidence that I have.

In another couple centuries I'm sure that worldview won't even exist. There's no evidence for it.

The state is in danger of falling into disrepute due to the evidence of its inadequate resources.

Polls are inaccurate in my opinion, based upon anecdotal evidence, based upon people that I know.

Thousands of people have tried, and the evidence is clear: The more you trade, the less you keep.

When I present evidence, I expect the judge to hear and see all the evidence that gets presented.

To be alive is sufficient evidence that we are needed in the world. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

I am a person of faith: I am a person who will believe practically anything on no evidence at all.

In matters of faith, inconvenient evidence is always suppressed while contradictions go unnoticed.

Once you reject evidence as a source of knowledge, you don't gotta believe nothin' you don't like.

The leading edge in evidence presentation is in science; the leading edge in beauty is in high art.

Even now there is no evidence that anyone involved in the Nixon operation was going to threaten us.

I think we have seen evidence that being brave enough to go abroad can lead to a proper opportunity.

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.

Tapes, as we all know, are very powerful evidence. Tapes that are altered are powerfully misleading.

Of course, a positive growth rate might be taken as evidence that a population is below its optimum.

[A photograph] is a part of the evidence. I'm not saying it's the truth - it's part of the evidence.

The growing evidence of climate change is forcing attention on carbon emissions and their reduction.

Here the skeptic finds chaos and the believer further evidence that the hand that made us is divine.

Dreams are evidence that we are creatures who produce more meaning than we can ourselves understand.

Skeptics question the validity of a particular claim by calling for evidence to prove or disprove it.

The investigators are gathering evidence all the time and they've put together a package of evidence.

Learning how to weigh evidence and fairly re-establish a boundary can be as much an art as a science.

It has been mentioned that in Trench I there is evidence of three successive stages of these defences.

Most scientists never look at UFO evidence, which leads to their conclusion that there is no evidence.

There has also been much love, joy, evidence of admiration, there has never been one without the other.

You've got people who are looking at DNA evidence and other evidence like that and they're ignoring it.

What happened I think on Sept. 11 was we were given graphic and clear evidence that things had changed.

Post-Watergate morality, by which anything left private is taken as presumptive evidence of wrongdoing.

Evidence can vary depending on the circumstances, the weather, and how long it has been hanging around.

A prejudice, unlike a simple misconception, is actively resistant to all evidence that would unseat it.

Knowledge is the antidote to fear. [especially as fear often stands for false evidence appearing real!]

In my life, the strongest evidence of any fandom is 'Sherlock' - 'Hobbit' fans are positively restrained.

I would argue that the objective evidence shows that big government is not a friend to African Americans.

I will tell [Barack Obama] very simply : present what you have as evidence to the public, be transparent.

The progress of evolution from President Washington to President Grant was alone evidence to upset Darwin.

There is tragic evidence to show that the paintings at the French prehistoric art sites are deteriorating.

Everywhere I go I see increasing evidence of people swirling about in a human cesspit of their own making.

When it comes to believing things without actual evidence, we all incline to what we find most attractive.

Until the seventeenth century there was no concept of evidence with which to pose the problem of induction!

There is no evidence that success in business will make us happy people or allow us to have happy families.

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud during the 2016 elections or any relatively recent election.

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