Portraying Pocahontas' story well was important to me because she was a real person and these were real events in her life.

He who only wishes and hopes does not interfere actively with the course of events and with the shaping of his own destiny.

Family time was very difficult when my girls were little, but I never missed a birthday, I was there for every major event.

What wonderful things are events! The least are of greater importance than the most sublime and comprehensive speculations.

No one ever laid out the sequence of events that led to my mother being prosecuted and imprisoned for alleged welfare fraud.

The unexpressed aim of every politician is to influence events that history books will record his name - and spell it right.

I'm not really a plot writer - I'm more interested in the characters and sort of small events that propel the story forward.

Our perception of space-time can be thought of in terms of event coordinates relative to our current state of consciousness.

These days there's all too much coverage of pesudo-events about extraordinarily inauthentic people doing inauthentic things.

Traveling around the world during the World Cup in 2006, I was thinking, 'Wow, this is such an incredible and global event.'

If quarrelling be really the renewal of love, theirs had been renewed once a day at all events, and frequently much oftener.

In times of defeat, we never know how close we are to victory. In every event of failure, God has planted a seed of success.

I don't want to be all worthy about it, but I don't do red carpets, I don't do events and I don't accept freebies that much.

Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and judgments. Peace is not an 'is,' it is a 'becoming.'

Don't despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don't - surrender to events with hope.

Do we make ourselves into what we become or is it built into our genes, into the fate spun for us by whatever shapes events?

The act of not discussing or confiding the event with another may be more damaging than having experienced the event per se.

I certainly immerse myself in as many crazy Hollywood events as I can because you never know where you can pick up material.

Our lives today are not conducted in linear terms. They are much more quantified; a stream of random events is taking place.

I try to write about things, places, events, and phenomena I know about personally. That helps make the novels more genuine.

Perseverance is not a passive submission to circumstances-it is a strong and active response to the difficult events of life.

Synchronicities express themselves through chance meetings and natural events as well as in dreams and supernatural episodes.

Coming into the Games I knew I was in five events but I didn't expect to get a medal in every distance, especially the 5,000.

Poetry, from describing external events objectively, is becoming subjectified into a poetry of personal conscious expression.

We overestimate the event and underestimate the process. Every fulfilled dream occurred because of dedication to the process.

I always tell people that a revolution is not an event, it's a process. It is a struggle. And it doesn't usually go smoothly.

We are not apt to think of the importance of events as they transpire with us, but we feel the importance of them afterwards.

Of compelling consideration is the fact that words acquire scope and function from the history of events which they summarize.

I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is a much better policy to prophesy after the event has already taken place.

Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account.

The body is thus not simply an 'entity', but is experienced as a practical mode of coping with external situations and events.

What we have got to do now is use this event, the resignation of the whole commission, to drive through root and branch reform.

It is not possible to control all external events; But, if I simply control my mind what need is there to control other things?

Coordinating there Events and objects with remote events And vanished objects. Making ornaments Of accidents and possibilities.

The optimistic style of explaining good events is the opposite of that used for bad events: It's internal rather than external.

It's those difficult times that inform the next wonderful time, and it's a series of trade-offs, of events, of wins and losses.

To consider persons and events and situations only in the light of their effect upon myself is to live on the doorstep of hell.

In every life there is one particular event that is decisive for the entire person-for his fate, his convictions, his passions.

Given the events of even the 19th century, Zionism was inevitable. Given the events of the 20th century, Israel was inevitable.

Great men are rare, poets are rarer, but the great man who is a poet, transfiguring his greatness, is the rarest of all events.

Going to the movies was a big event in my youth. My father would be the initiator - he'd have me put on a jacket to see a film.

Remember, a word is an invention, a symbol for an idea. Written text began as an artistic representation of a thought or event.

Maybe a long life does have to be filled with many unpleasant conditions if it's to seem long. But in that event, who wants one?

Being famous gets me good concert tickets, good tables in restaurants, good seats at sporting events and that's really about it.

Social science virtually abhors the event. Not without reason; the short-term is the most capricious and deceptive form of time.

The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events.

The phenomenon of nature is more splendid than the daily events of nature, certainly, so then the twentieth century is splendid.

I was merely endeavoring to indicate that if we do not grab events by the collar they will have us by the throat. -Lord Vetinari

A statesman... must wait until he hears the steps of God sounding through events, then leap up and grasp the hem of His garment.

Many are less fortunate than you' may not be a roof to live under, but it will serve to retire beneath in the event of a shower.

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