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If you don't have an ethic of conservation, you basically have a license to drive a Hummer through the Amazon.
And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening, work ethic. You know, while the other guy's sleeping? I'm working.
I've viewed myself as slightly above average in talent. And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening work ethic.
I studied to be a journalist, but I don't think I would have made a very good one. I don't have the work ethic.
I want my kids to have a good work ethic. I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it.
I was lucky enough when it came to sports and work ethic to be taught some basics that continue to be important.
One cannot prescribe to anyone whether he should follow an ethic of absolute ends or an ethic of responsibility.
Work ethic starts where everyone understands that you're putting that extra foot forward in order to be the best.
I think basketball IQ, work ethic, competitiveness are probably the most important things in a basketball player.
Donald Evans is a favorite person of mine. His worth ethic, his attitude and his dedication really set him apart.
If you want something you can have it, but you have to do some work. It's the ethic my mother brought me up with.
The ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility are not opposites. They are complementary to one another.
I come from the home-grown punk ethic, where it doesn't matter if you can't play a note, it's how you communicate.
In terms of instilling the values of mental toughness and work ethic, discipline is the gift that keeps on giving.
I wish I were brave, although I try. I work too hard and don't play enough. Too much work ethic, not enough 'fun'.
John Cena's work ethic is beyond reproach. It's been phenomenal to see what he does and he's made himself a brand.
My parents have a strong work ethic, but their attitude to life, their philosophy, is: 'whatever makes you happy.'
When you're home-schooled, you have to have a certain level of work ethic. Otherwise, you don't get anything done.
You have to have a work ethic. It is always 24/7. It is a lot of sweat equity, and it is a little bit of Lady Luck.
My father was a big influence - it was very important to him that we traveled, and he gave me my strong work ethic.
The biggest thing I take away from the Army is that work ethic and being able to focus and put your eyes on a goal.
When I was 20 years old, if you had a $100 bill and a good idea and a strong work ethic, you could start a company.
I would say a guy I always respect and admire is Dame. I always liked Dame's game. I watch him, just his work ethic.
I do notice that when I come in to meet casting people, they love that I'm Australian. Maybe it's our good work ethic.
My faith falters at times. But I have a very, very strong faith in work ethic, for lack of a better way of putting it.
The young people working for me are ambitious and hard-working. That work ethic has always been a trait of the British.
I was determined if I was going to become a superstar it would be on my terms. I've had that ethic since the beginning.
I so admire the discipline, the work ethic, and the sacrifices fighters make to master all aspects of mixed martial arts.
I think there are more Australians making it in Hollywood... we have a fantastic reputation for having a great work ethic.
The work ethic behind everything Kanye does is crazy. It's greatness. He told me, 'We're not just rappers, we're artists.'
Work ethic is important because, unlike intelligence, athleticism, charisma, or any other natural attribute, it's a choice.
Have a good work ethic. You've got to practice, practice, practice. I'm not telling you what to practice - that's up to you.
In the end, there's something of the puritan work ethic about me that roles really must sustain me on an intellectual level.
Attempts to construct an ethic from the rules of evolution, or from psychology and sociology, end up being simply inadequate.
What a model of an artist was for me was an artist who worked. Picasso was the ultimate model, because the work ethic he had.
'Power' is a beast to produce. Everyone behind the scenes brings a thoughtfulness and dauntless work ethic day in and day out.
If it's one thing my parents did right, it was teaching me to have a good work ethic, and I plan on doing the same with my kids!
If you've worked in Australia, you can't get away with bad behaviour like showing up late. We take our work ethic very seriously.
I think I'm just an OK quarterback. But I feel like I can throw the ball pretty well, and I feel like my work ethic separates me.
God blessed me with great talent and good genetics. Plus, he blessed me with a good work ethic and a drive to want to be the best.
I'm not a starstuck dude. I've been in this game too long for that, but I do respect and acknowledge real work and real work ethic.
I grew up watching my parents work in the fields. That's where I get my work ethic from, because I saw them work hard my whole life.
I think leadership is more than just being able to cross the t's and dot the i's. It's about character and integrity and work ethic.
I think the work ethic will take me wherever I want to go in life. It's my mindset that determines how, when, and if I'll get there.
I've shot all over the world with crews from all over the world. The work ethic is the same. Bollywood is my career; it's what I do.
My father has been an inspiration - he instilled his work ethic without ever having to hammer it home. He was also very encouraging.
I can't tell you exactly why my work ethic is the way that it is, but I know that I will always work harder than anyone else I know.
Our daily work ethic - that need to always do better and top our last performance - is what makes USWNT football players who we are.
The most important environmental issue is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the lack of a conservation ethic in our culture.
Even if I was running an idli shop for a living, I know that my idlis will taste good because that's how highly I rate my work ethic.