Men who live valiantly and die nobly have a strength and a courage from the eternal Father.

Not even death can take us from the eternal blessings promised by a loving Heavenly Father.

I've always believed in the adage that the secret of eternal youth is arrested development.

Set aside those things that don't really matter and do something with eternal consequences.

Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace.

I sometimes think that the price of liberty is not so much eternal vigilance as eternal dirt.

People are really interested in the concept of eternal youth in this plastic-surgery culture.

I have sworn eternal opposition to slavery, and by the blessing of God, I will never go back.

All companies - and not just startups - face the same eternal challenge: resource allocation.

The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal.

Beauty, the eternal Spouse of the Wisdom of God and Angel of his Presence thru' all creation.

Romance, eternal love, exists in very few cases. And that's a reality you just have to accept.

New Yorkers are obsessed with youth and eternal youth and then their careers and making money.

Vampires are so sexy and powerful - they're so otherworldly; they have eternal life and youth.

Die Kunst ist ewig, ihre Formen wandeln sich. (The art is eternal, their shapes are changing.)

Every moment is, in some ways, eternal. Once you put something into the world, it stays there.

I have to meditate before I go to bed, always. I have to let the day go and let the eternal in.

Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate.

Unless you know yourself as eternal beings, part of the whole, you will remain afraid of death.

I can't help but tell people of the greatest story ever told - God's love and our eternal life.

My favourite movie of all-time is 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.' I love Kate Winslet.

The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life.

Whatever can be understood or perceived can never be the eternal Truth. The Unknown is the Truth.

Standing here, staying here, permanent here, eternal here, and we have one goal, one, one: to be.

Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.

There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives.

Because our choices are largely based on survival. But if life is eternal, life is not a question.

May the perfect grace and eternal love of Christ our Lord be our never-failing protection and help.

But God, who is the Eternal Mind, is undoubtedly of excellence, complete and perfect in every part.

That which we call the Hindu religion is really the Eternal religion because it embraces all others.

The individual who has to justify his existence by his own efforts is in eternal bondage to himself.

My favorite movies are 'The Notebook,' 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,' and 'Wolf Children.'

I feel a buzzing at the base of my neck. It's like I'm on eternal 'vibrate' in case of an emergency.

The glory that goes with wealth is fleeting and fragile; virtue is a possession glorious and eternal.

Eternal truth, eternal righteousness, eternal love; these only can triumph, for these only can endure.

Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground.

The family unit is fundamental not only to society and to the Church, but to our hope for eternal life.

Suffering passes, while love is eternal. That's a gift that you have received from God. Don't waste it.

The sum total of all sums total is eternal (meaning the universe). [Lat., Summarum summa est aeternum.]

Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, and the modern presence there just cements this.

Because when God heals a body, that is temporal; but when God saves a soul, that has eternal importance.

The time has come for us to understand that the Eternal Feminine is the greatest power in this Universe.

The destination is a happy life, an accomplished life that doesn't end with death but with eternal life.

Madam, I have been looking for a person who disliked gravy all my life; let us swear eternal friendship.

'Gremlins' is one of those eternal movies that stands the test of time and that everyone loves and knows.

The Japanese chose the principle of eternal peace as the basis of morality for our rebirth after the War.

The more we are guided by eternal considerations in our conduct, the better we will manage our mortality.

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

The present moment is the only time that is eternal and the only time in which we can experience happiness.

I'm not fashionable, and I know nothing about fashion, but I have my individual style, and style is eternal.

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