I'm English, and I started off as a songwriter, so I can't really escape that - it's there.

Tsunamis are always big news around Hilo, grew up always getting ready to escape a tsunami.

I intentionally aided them by being there and blocking an avenue of escape for the victims.

There are no black holes in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity.

I was involved with drama departments since the 5th grade. I played at it. It was an escape.

The people who couldn't get out of New Orleans to escape the storm were predominantly Black.

I kind of expect that the people wouldn't know me. I know I'm tall and I cannot escape that.

I have been desperate to escape for so many years now, it is routine for me to try to escape.

Music is the reason I'm doing movies; I do credit that. But acting is an escape route for me.

It's lovely to escape myself and play someone who actually inspires me and gives me strength.

I do comedy to give people an ephemeral escape from the tragedy that permeates everyday life.

It's really hard to escape where you were brought up. Not that I would ever want to escape it.

I love America the way I love my family - I was born into it. And there's no escape out of it.

Words really flattering are not those which we prepare but those which escape us unthinkingly.

Every time I could escape from Sunday church, I did, from the age of twelve until about thirty.

The joke is that no matter how much we think we can evolve, we'll never escape our limitations.

The cross of the Legion of Honor has been conferred on me. However, few escape that distinction.

A martyr can never cooperate with death, go to death in a way that they're not trying to escape.

I think in 'Escape Fire,' we really look at the military as a microcosm for the rest of America.

People have perhaps gotten to the point where for the most part movies are a just bit of escape.

It is only too easy to make suggestions and later try to escape the consequences of what we say.

Death, after all, is the common expectation from birth. Neither heroes nor cowards can escape it.

The glory of my name increases my shame. Less known by mortals, I could better escape their eyes.

The Right insists that anyone can escape poverty by working hard but that is simply not the case.

You want to watch TV and escape for a second, and that's what 'The Bachelorette' has always been.

Becoming a musician was all about escape. It was about getting away from the foulness that was me.

When you live on the road, going home is a place to escape and just be with your family to unwind.

When I walk through that gate to the court, that's my escape. I block out everything, good and bad.

There's no question that I'm African-American. OK? I'm a black man. We're not going to escape that.

There is only one way left to escape the alienation of present day society: to retreat ahead of it.

Being a posh actor in England you cannot escape the class-typing from whatever side you look at it.

What a sense of superiority it gives one to escape reading some book which everyone else is reading.

There's something about music that makes me feel like a different person, that feels like an escape.

I cannot escape the feeling that I was, at best, a cancer tourist, that my survival means I dabbled.

If there's ever been a dark moment in my life... well, I wanted to check out. Music was a big escape.

Escape from the architecture ghetto is one of the major drivers and has been from the very beginning.

Flying my own small plane is my escape. I learnt to fly in 2006 and share ownership of a Socata TB10.

My first book is about twins who are attached: two people who are joined and can't escape each other.

My dad just wanted me to find something to do to keep me out of trouble. Boxing was the great escape.

Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher's the poet's equal there.

I think growing up in New York, you see so much at such a young age, there's no bubble to escape into.

Who can blame desperate parents for wanting to escape the horror that their families are experiencing?

I have been very fortunate as to escape through another day's very severe fighting and escaped unhurt.

I really wanted to escape from that little girl. But it seems to me that the picture didn't let me go.

We have need of history in its entirety, not to fall back into it, but to see if we can escape from it.

There are people whose feelings and well-being are within our influence. We can never escape this fact.

I fell in love with music because it gave me an escape, it gave me strength, and it gave me confidence.

A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self in the mirror of some woman's eyes.

A calming place, where you can go to escape it all and just focus on your body, is so wonderful to have.

There's something about the Houdini act that is not always made clear - about the escape act in general.

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