The promise of the American Dream requires that we are all provided an equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to our nation.

People in the U.K. absolutely love my character in 'Downton,' and in equal measure, people absolutely hate him, and that's all I wanted.

We were equals once when we lay new-born babes on our nurse's knees. We will be equal again when they tie up our jaws for the last sleep.

We really have to be willing to find out who we are instead of rebelling for the equal rights that we've been denied, that we do deserve.

I believe the equal rights amendment is a necessity of life for all citizens. The cabinet sometimes felt that I shouldn't be so outspoken.

From the ashes of a financial crash, there is a chance to create a new economic settlement that is more equal, sustainable and democratic.

In the usual progress of things, the necessities of a nation in every stage of its existence will be found at least equal to its resources.

You can love and hate your family with equal measure, but the power of the bond you have to have with them, you can't really ever walk away.

A person who talks with equal vivacity on every subject, excites no interest in any. Repose is as necessary in conversation as in a picture.

Nations, like individuals in a state of nature, are equal and independent, possessing certain rights and owing certain duties to each other.

Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal, and equals that they may be superior. Such is the state of mind which creates revolutions.

Susan B. Anthony formed the Equal Rights Association, refuted ideas that women were inferior to men, and fought for a woman's right to vote.

The piano and the singing are two equal things to me - maybe not inseparable but very connected. You can say they are like two equal voices.

I totally agree with equal rights and women's causes, and most of my songs are woman-power, but I don't want to be labelled at 20 years old.

A global tax body would give all countries - not just the rich and powerful - an equal say in how the global rules on taxation are designed.

We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear and sadness, and to me they're of equal value to happiness, excitement and inspiration.

Equity feminism is a moral doctrine about equal treatment that makes no commitments regarding open empirical issues in psychology or biology.

The coward wretch whose hand and heart Can bear to torture aught below, Is ever first to quail and start From the slightest pain or equal foe.

I don't want to be perfect, but I do want to be a role model. My mom always tells me that imperfections equal beauty. All of us are imperfect.

Musicals are very collaborative. Unless you find somebody who wants to do something with you and has equal commitment, it's not going to work.

All I can do will only ever be a faint image of what I see and my success will always be less than my failure or perhaps equal to the failure.

As to women, the Islamic faith has given women rights that are equal to or more than the rights given them in the Old Testament and the Bible.

We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. It is time now to write the next chapter - and to write it in the books of law.

Ideally, that's what you've got in an acting career is an equal number of dramas and comedies and an equal number of small films and big films.

I'd like to see where boys and girls end up if they get equal encouragement - I think we might have some differences in how leadership is done.

I love healthy stuff and junk an equal amount. Whatever I'm craving, I go for it. I'm never trying to lose weight - or gain it. I'm just being.

All of us who desire the kingdom of God are, by the Lord's decree, under an equal and rigorous necessity of seeking after the grace of Baptism.

The demand for equal rights in every vocation of life is just and fair; but, after all, the most vital right is the right to love and be loved.

But what sets Europe apart is we insist on a social model that consists of solidarity, equal opportunity and a certain amount of redistribution.

Full participation in government and society has been a basic right of the country symbolizing the full citizenship and equal protection of all.

When both women and men contribute to a country's economic life on an equal basis, they help building stronger societies and stronger economies.

We are not supposed to be all equal. Let's just forget that. We are supposed to have equal rights under law. If we do that, we have done enough.

I'm an equal opportunity reader - although I don't much read plays. And since I was raised a Presbyterian, pretty much all pleasures are guilty.

I think it's time for the people and the press, in particular, to be more vigilant about not giving equal weight to lies as they give the truth.

I like to deal with EVERY aspect of our condition, and that means terror and humor in equal mix. Some books have more room for humor than others.

We will never address the race-based, systemic barriers to health care, equal housing and education without investing in underserved communities.

I stand for simple justice, equal opportunity and human rights. The indispensable elements in a democratic society - and well worth fighting for.

From the naturalistic point of view, all men are equal. There are only two exceptions to this rule of naturalistic equality: geniuses and idiots.

America was built on segregation. It's gonna stay segregated until everyone's equal, and that ain't gonna happen when it's a capitalistic society.

Ultimately, we need to grow the women's game. That's the biggest issue; it always has been. Then you can talk about equal pay and everything else.

The arts, sciences, humanities, physical education, languages and maths all have equal and central contributions to make to a student's education.

The higher the general average of intelligence, all things else being equal, the less the disposition to be meddlesome, critical, and overbearing.

Napoleon was probably the equal at least of Washington in intellect, his superior in education. Both of them were successful in serving the state.

Ignorance sheer ignorance. There is no confidence to equal it. It's only when you know something about a profession that you are timid or careful.

If a patron buys from an artist who needs money, the patron then makes himself equal to the artist; he is building art into the world; he creates.

All cold brew coffee is more or less made the same way - by long-steeping coarse coffee grounds in unheated water - but it's not all created equal.

The landlady of a boarding-house is a parallelogram - that is, an oblong angular figure, which cannot be described, but which is equal to anything.

I had a really honest conversation with my husband about equal pay because we met on a movie where he was paid more than me just because of gender.

If I can't take five years out to serve my country as president, then everything I've been singing about, like equal rights, doesn't mean anything.

Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it.

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