Far less envy in America than in France, and far less wit.

To feel envy is human, to savour schadenfreude is devilish

Envy is so natural to human kind, that it cannot but arise.

If you don't know what Gamergate is, my God, do I envy you.

Some people suffer from the green-eyed monster called envy.

What a day it is when we must envy the men in their graves.

Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.

We are and always will be the party of prosperity, not envy.

Never envy a man his lady. Behind it all lays a living hell.

In the affairs of this world, poverty alone is without envy.

Worth begets in base minds, envy; in great souls, emulation.

The best way to avoid envy is to deserve the success you get.

We spend our time envying people whom we wouldn't wish to be.

How much better a thing it is to be envied than to be pitied.

Envy, like the worm, is always attracted to the fairest apple

Envy always implies conscious inferiority wherever it resides.

When you become who you wish to be, there is no need for envy.

I am Envy...I cannot read and therefore wish all books burned.

I don't envy people with long hair. So, I'm glad mine is gone.

I don't envy guards. They're quick little monkeys, those guys.

He will be loved when dead, who was envied when he was living.

What good is envy? It’s the one sin you can’t have any fun at.

Great writing fills me with hopeful enthusiasm and never envy.

Envy is destroyed by true friendship, as coquetry by true love.

Need drives men to envy as fullness drives them to selfishness.

Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.

Envy, the meanest of vices, creeps on the ground like a serpent.

In the race of men is much greed and envy; but of truth, little.

If the Angels could envy, they would envy us for Holy Communion.

I have friends who write all the time, and I envy them terribly.

The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.

I don't envy men and I certainly wouldn't like to become one now.

It is always better to imitate a successful man than to envy him.

Power is seldom innocent, and envy is the yokefellow of eminence.

The player envies only the player, the poet envies only the poet.

Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.

A slowness to applaud betrays a cold temper or an envious spirit.

I envy poets because nobody ever asks them if it's true or false.

The United States transportation system is the envy of the world.

I do not envy any animal, though I envy many of their capacities.

Emulation embalms the dead; envy, the vampire, blasts the living.

The envious person grows lean with the fatness of their neighbor.

The Sicilian tyrants never devised a greater punishment than envy.

In Britain, any degree of success is met with envy and resentment.

Don't abuse your friends and expect them to consider it criticism.

True friendship destroys envy, and true love destroys coquetterie.

The greatest harm that you can do unto the envious, is to do well.

Envy assails the noblest: the winds howl around the highest peaks.

Envy blinds men and makes it impossible for them to think clearly.

We envy people we love for being always in their own loved company.

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