History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the ...

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men.

If you entrust your data to others, they can let you down or outright betray you.

Not to age myself, but I remember vividly 'Schoolhouse Rock!' and entrust my grammar to it.

I believe you need scientific proof that something works before you entrust your health to it.

There is but one man to whom I am willing to entrust their future and that man's name is George Bush.

We should entrust our young people with a voice to express their views on what their futures should look like.

The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers.

I am not content to entrust our free-speech rights to the good graces and whims of Congress and hope that politicians don't abuse their power.

I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.

I know plenty of people in China who don't like what their government does to the Falun Gong, but they don't want to entrust their data to the Falun Gong, either.

There are people and nations, Mother, that I would like to say to you by name. I entrust them to you in silence, I entrust them to you in the way that you know best.

This means that to entrust to science - or to deliberate control according to scientific principles - more than scientific method can achieve may have deplorable effects.

The unspoken contract between ruler and subject is that in return for safety, prosperity, and prestige, the Russians entrust power and cede democratic freedoms to their leaders.

Directors approach me for doing 'strong' women characters which, as an actor, increases a sense of responsibility to give my 100 per cent and even more for the faith they entrust on me.

What conflicting ideas that we love and embrace these women, and entrust them to raise our children and to feed us and to bathe us, but we keep something as silly as a bathroom separate.

Modern cynics and skeptics... see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.

People entrust me with the responsibility of actualizing our shared values and, that said, I'm not in the business of going to try to convert people and getting their buy-in. I just do the work.

What a dichotomy. What conflicting ideas that we love and embrace these women, and entrust them to raise our children and to feed us and to bathe us, but we keep something as silly as a bathroom separate.

I hesitate to deposit money in a bank. I am afraid I shall never dare to take it out again. When you go to confession and entrust your sins to the safe-keeping of the priest, do you ever come back for them?

I had written movie scores, television series, played with other people. Carl had done the same with Asia, with other bands, everything. We weren't about to entrust Greg automatically with a production credit.

Few professions are given as much power as we entrust to those who wear the uniform of a police officer. These individuals dedicate themselves to a calling in which threats that can materialize in an instant are part of the job description.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

If, in the schools, the classical language would no longer be taught, whom could we entrust with the writing of memorials, documents, letters and notes in the public service? How could we possibly assign important offices and heavy responsibilities to someone who cannot even write fluently?

Cloud services cut both ways in terms of security: you get off-site backup and disaster recovery, but you entrust your secrets to somebody else's hands. Doing the latter increases your exposure to government surveillance and the potential for deliberate or inadvertent breaches of your confidential files.

Poverty should be one of the top concerns for any elected leader. It has a negative effect on almost everything we as society entrust our government to do, but it seems that those in the Republican Party find it is more politically viable to fight a war on the people in poverty than it is to fight a war to end poverty in this country.

I realize that every time we discuss a job placement and look at a list of both male and female candidates, there's a question that comes up pretty much all the time for the woman: 'Will she know how to assert herself?' It's not meant to be malicious. It's more, 'Will she manage to take leadership of the team you want to entrust to her?'

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