Before 'Entourage,' I couldn't get a sitcom.

I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I am my own entourage!

Oh my gosh, I would love to guest star on 'Entourage.'

I don't have an entourage. In fact, I have no live-in help.

I don't have big security guards. I don't have an entourage.

I got no entourage in real life. Solo. I go solo. No entourage.

Everything that happens on 'Entourage' does happen in Hollywood.

I'm very close with my family, so my mom is part of my entourage.

There's nothing like a pack of mules to give one a sense of entourage.

It's just different in the music world. You come more with an entourage

I don't do divas. I don't do entourages. I don't do the Hollywood crap.

It's just different in the music world. You come more with an entourage.

I don't want to buy a jet plane. I don't want to live with an entourage.

Marriage and its entourage of possession and jealousy enslave the spirit.

Apolo is going to have to keep skating so he can add more gold to his entourage.

I just like my independence and freedom to come and go and not have an entourage.

There is winter in L.A., there is rain in L.A. But there is no rain on 'Entourage.'

It's hard to walk down the street without 'Entourage' comments, and that's all nice.

I mean, it takes a large entourage to put on a tour. You can't have 'em sittin' around.

Most of my friends are people I've known since I was a kid. I don't have an entourage or anything.

I was so honored to be on 'Entourage' for eight years but I want to show people that I can do other things.

The reality is that I'm an actor from the Midwest and I was 40 movies into it before I started 'Entourage'.

The thing that everyone liked about 'Entourage' is that these are fish-out-of-water guys living this dream.

I do my music for me, second for my entourage, and at the end, for the people. It's healthy to work that way.

I've always had an entourage. Even when I was a little kid, I had a lot of little children following around me.

I've been in the fortunate position of playing these strong, snarky female characters since Dana Gordon on 'Entourage.'

I went to Broadway and I've been doing some fun guest spots with 'Entourage' and 'Glee' and I'm ready to have my own show.

I have a very normal life. I go to the grocery store, I go to Target. I don't have an assistant, I don't have an entourage.

"Entourage" is a staple LA-based show and people say it's pretty real and I thought it was. It's an exaggeration of the truth.

'Entourage' is a staple L.A.-based show, and people say it's pretty real, and I thought it was. It's an exaggeration of the truth.

I hadn't actually watched 'Entourage.' But I do understand that if you know and love that show, Jeremy Piven is about as good as it gets.

I've done a lot of movies before 'Entourage,' and I hope to always have my movie career going. Maybe I could take on another TV show, too.

I'm against cronyism, and I had to learn that early on. Like, I don't have an entourage, because I saw the negative effects of those things.

They portray me as all these crazy things and I'm so not like that. I don't have entourages, I'm as normal as you can get in this lifestyle.

If you take a bunch of superstars and put them in a room where they don't have their assistants and entourage, it's funny to see what happens.

I was called Matt Dillon's brother my whole career basically until 'Entourage' broke me free of that and now people call me Johnny Drama instead.

I have a small entourage of people who I trust. I value their opinion on my career. And I stick to those voices. The rest is just background noise.

'Entourage' is a very, very, very unique acting experience. I could go in to win 1000 Academy Awards, and it would never be as much fun as the show.

Mrs. Ari's style on 'Entourage' is so fabulous. Gucci is a go-to for her because every season there is something fun, but there's also something classic.

I have a wonderful road manager, and he travels with me. And my valet and friend travels with me. My little entourage is great, and they take good care of me.

I did an episode of 'Entourage.' I played Morgan - I think it was season three or season four. It was actually my third audition, and it was my first big job.

The script is so important... Even if you have a huge entourage or big lighting trucks, the most important thing is the space between the actor and the camera.

I don't really have time to watch too much, but I like 'Family Guy' and 'Entourage.' I'm also obsessed with the YouTube series 'Balls of Steel.' It's hilarious.

My agent said that every Monday after an episode of 'Entourage,' at the staff meeting at the agency, that's all they do is talk about the episode the night before.

When 'Entourage' came out, there wasn't Twitter or any of this access to celebrities. 'Entourage,' for me, let you inside of a world that nobody really knew about.

Nobody would ever, ever get even remotely lippy about the Islanders with me, or there'd be bloodshed on the set of 'Entourage.' Everybody knows that you don't even go there.

'True Blood' is amazing. I have to give a shout out to 'Melrose Place' because I do watch. I love 'Entourage.' One of my favorite shows back in the day was 'Friday Night Lights.'

I like to watch the Fox News Network. I like 'Nightline.' I like to watch 'The Sopranos,' of course. That is one of my favorite shows. 'Entourage' is another one. I like 'The Shield.'

Half the people think I write Obama's speeches; the other half think I'm on 'Entourage.' So I'm at the level of fame where people kind of know who I am, but they confuse me with other people.

I have my little entourage of who I travel with, some friends and people who help me more technically on the track. Obviously, my engineers who I work closely with, we are all in the ship together.

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