My mother is a spiritual singer in Kanpur and she has devoted her entire life to singing at various jagratas and religious ceremonies.

A transvestite spends her entire life trying to look as feminine as possible and I have clearly spent mine celebrating my masculinity.

When you start playing as young as me, and you've been in front of audiences your entire life, this is literally what I grew up doing.

I've spent my entire life trying to figure out why I was different than everybody else. Why is my voice so deep? Why am I so muscular?

I did an improv that was one of the most exhilarating ten minutes of my entire life. I mean, when you're doing it, you forget yourself.

You can't really ask for anything more than to be working for your entire life - and to be doing something that some people respond to.

A lot of bands live and breathe out of hotels. I just happen to be the one that lives on my bus. I have camped and RVed my entire life.

I went to a haunted house once, and I don't do well in situations like that, and I've lived my entire life not being scared or anything.

My grandfather was a commander in the Navy. He was very proud of his service, and he lived his entire life as though he was still serving.

I learned how to write television scripts the same way I have learned to do almost everything else in my entire life, which is by reading.

I've played football my entire life, all over the world, and the one thing I've learned is that the important thing is to enjoy your work.

I've spent my entire life working to invest in human beings and human communities, to help them move down the path of economic development.

You write about what you have access to, and I have been fortunate enough to have a front-row seat on the rich and powerful my entire life.

I'm half-and-half on school. I had fun in grade school, but when I went to college, it was the worst place I've ever been in my entire life.

Religion was my entire life. And then, when I came out, religion completely turned their back on me. And I've never really gotten over that.

I've been able to do what I love and what I'm passionate about my entire life. I made, you know, an insane amount of money playing baseball.

If you watch dogs play, they run and they fight, but they don't fight to hurt each other. They just play. And that's been me my entire life.

I never imagined myself playing a superhero because I don't see myself the way superheroes have been portrayed or shown to me my entire life.

I would love to have twins. I think there's something nice about having two babies, and they're there for each other their whole entire life.

The function of memory is not only to preserve, but also to throw away. If you remembered everything from your entire life, you would be sick.

I've been pretty focused my entire life, and now that I have a family, I'm just going to keep that focus, but it's going to be a family focus.

It really wasn't until I was in college when I began to write more and more, and I realized I was scheduling my entire life around my writing.

Life is a long marathon, and you have to be consistent. Anyone can sprint for 1500 meters, but you have pace yourself through your entire life.

Some people bare their entire life on the Internet. There are politicians and actors, who like that. But there are some who don't want to do that.

I love what I do, somehow I have been able to play in a band for my entire life and that is all I ever wanted to do. I love that I get to do that.

A woman came up to me after one of the screenings with tears pouring down her face and sobbed, You've defined my entire life for me on the screen.

That has been my entire life story, running against the current and running with the current. Sometimes running with the current is underestimated.

When someone is 90, and you've seen their entire life, you just think you know everything about them and that they must live a straight-laced life.

To think that any animal would be trapped makes me so sad. It's like living in your bedroom for your entire life and never being able to go outside.

I'll tell you what's helped me my entire life. I look at baseball as a game. It's something where people can go out, enjoy and have fun. Nothing more.

I train about six days a week. I'm training at the same intensity as I did when I was playing football. I've done it for my entire life, and I love it.

Pretty much my entire life has been played out in front of wrestling fans, even the stuff - I guess you could say the legend and lore - which has grown.

With cyberbullying, one press of a finger on an electronic device can shatter someone's reputation and what they think is their entire life. It's scary.

I'm not going to take up an acting class in order to get a fight. That is not what I've worked my entire life to do. It's not what I've been living for.

If you're a comedian, you can change peoples lives for the better in much smaller increments - not their entire life, but for 15 minutes or a half hour.

I have a very silly sense of humor. I've never laughed harder in my entire life than seeing someone with toilet paper stuck on the bottom of their shoe.

I've always taken 'The Wizard of Oz' very seriously, you know. I believe in the idea of the rainbow. And I've spent my entire life trying to get over it.

I have a very bad memory. So I would like a chat bot to just remind me of everything I forget. I spend my entire life on Google trying to remember stuff.

My mother, throughout her entire life, has been faithful to the church, even though the church has not been that faithful to her because of her politics.

That was the lowest point in my entire life: The shellshock of not being in the NBA. All my peers are playing and I'm not because of boneheaded mistakes.

I've only been in one relationship in my entire life so far. When that ended, I decided being with someone is not for me. I like my own company the best.

I felt very isolated with my identity virtually my entire life, that nobody really got it and that I didn't really have the personal agency to express it.

I think Carrie Preston is one of the most talented actresses I've ever met in my entire life. I've seen her do a lot of other things, and she's fantastic.

I've worked hard throughout my entire life, but I don't think all the hard work could have produced the same results without all the genetics I was given.

Castro has lived almost his entire life as a clandestine revolutionary. To such figures, truth is always malleable, always subservient to political goals.

I grew up in Southern California. I played in rock bands out here, and I've been around pop music my whole life. I've been around all music my entire life.

Ever since I was a child I always wanted to be WWE Champion. I've been in love with sports-entertainment for my entire life, and I always wanted to do that.

Because I've lived in one room my entire life, working at the same table that you use to pay bills at and eat at. It's going to be nice to have actual space.

My life has always been with my dad. Since I can remember, I was raised by my father my entire life. So he's kind of been that mom and father figure - always.

I've wanted to perform my entire life. I found a paper I wrote in kindergarten class about what I wanted to be when I grew up - and I wrote 'a famous singer!'

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