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I've accomplished a lot at a young age. It's all because of the hard work that I've put in for my entire life.
For me, it's always been very essential to work on projects that one can work on almost for their entire life.
I was four years old when I saw 'Star Wars', and it has been significantly important throughout my entire life.
I've been a target my entire life. At this point, there's nothing anyone can say that will faze me. Bring it on!
To be brutally honest, when you win a title like Miss Universe, your entire life turns topsy-turvy for one year.
I have been involved with the USO really my entire life. The first show I did for the USO, I was nine years old.
In two months Joseph Kennedy had taken over my entire life, and I trusted him implicitly to make the most of it.
Back in 1968, when I was 30, my entire life blew up. I had a life plan, and it collapsed for no rational reason.
My entire life, I was told I was an old soul. I never really connected with other children when I was growing up.
I have always been active and into sports my entire life, and I've always wanted to be a star and inspire others.
I take every role seriously. Personally, I never look at any role as Michael White. I've done that my entire life.
I always take pride in the fact that nobody can mess with me, and I never let anybody mess with me my entire life.
I've, like, lived in a bikini my entire life, so modeling bikinis was, I don't know. It was just so natural to me.
I think, my entire life, I was a bit different. And I didn't think I was different; I just kinda always stuck out.
I've been watching cop procedurals my entire life, so when I saw an opportunity to make fun of one, I jumped at it.
Everyone's journey to coming out as transgender is different. For me, I've know that I'm transgender my entire life.
Mitt Romney not only believes in the values of economic freedom. His entire life has been committed to advancing it.
I've loved basketball my entire life and to be able to cover this sport is a privilege that I don't take for granted.
I was born in 1962, and it seems that throughout my entire life the world has demanded peace but maintained conflict.
Writing music is sort of my hobby, but it's been falling off more and more. Doing comic books takes up my entire life.
I love working out. I mean, I've been doing it for about 20 years every day of my entire life. So I enjoy working out.
I think the major changes in my body, face and skin have happened after I turned vegan, it has changed my entire life.
Well, I have been trained my entire life to recognize these outbreaks and recognize viruses. I have a Ph.D. in virology.
I grew up an Indians fan my entire life. I was never really 'against' the Yankees, but I knew what they were capable of.
Cheney's memoir is not about 9/11, or solely about Bush's administration, but about his entire life and political career.
I've been pretty broke my entire life. I'm not going to live that same life, but I'm going to keep those same principles.
Even if someone doesn't like it, or just likes it for me, storytelling has been the one true love story of my entire life.
What I feel like I'm doing is showing people what is humanly possible when someone commits their entire life to something.
The average celebrity meets, in one year, ten times the amount of people that the average person meets in his entire life.
My fashion statement depends on my mood. I am more of a tomboy when dressing up, and I have never worn pink in my entire life.
It's been a part of my entire life: I've wanted to be a wrestler since I was a little kid. I don't think that ever leaves you.
In my mind, I still think - and wish - that I'm going to be a journalist or a writer. That's been my dream job my entire life.
I've been passionate about fitness my entire life, and the ability to compete for the 'Tough Enough' crown is truly rewarding.
We are cyborgs already. If you learn to read, it causes permanent changes to the structure of your brain for your entire life.
Honestly, all of 'Breaking Bad' was the best television experience of my entire life - the writing, the crew, the other actors.
If you've loved a girl your entire life and you've been afraid to tell her, don't wait because you never know what might happen.
Vince McMahon has overachieved his entire life in a big way. I got to know him really well and still have great respect for him.
Bob Gates understands the difficulty of going to war. This is a man who spent almost his entire life working for the government.
Every player wants to be at Real Madrid, of course. I fought my entire life to be at the club, but only in the starting line-up.
Singing is my entire life. I nearly lost that. I am so blessed to be able to do this. It's the only thing I've ever wanted to do.
Even though I love fashion and would love to be a fashion designer, I don't live and breathe fashion every day of my entire life.
I'm in the best shape I can possibly be in, and I'm drug-free. I'm doing what I have wanted to do my entire life, so life is good.
Don Knotts was a really big influence, especially on the Steve Allen show. I mean, look at the guy, his entire life is in his face.
My entire life, I wake up, and at some point in the afternoon, I head toward some kind of musical recording device. My entire life.
Movies were the one thing that I loved my entire life. So I always knew that I wanted to get into acting - I just didn't know when.
My illness is excruciating and difficult to cope with. It takes over your entire life and causes more suffering than I can describe.
My entire life changed when I became a mother - my priorities, my understanding, appreciation of life, and my relationship with God.
My mother's passion for something more, to write a different destiny for a dirt-poor farmer's daughter, was to shape my entire life.
In my entire life, I have ten people that are the closest people to me. They're my family, and I really don't mesh worlds that often.
When you sing that this country was founded on freedom, don't forget the duet of shackles dragging against the ground my entire life.