Whether you're making a million dollar film or a $100 million film there is never enough money, there's never enough time.

Like most women, I work too hard, spend too many hours hunched over a computer, and not enough time taking care of myself.

Given enough time humans will screw up Wikipedia just as they have screwed up everything else, but so far it's not too bad.

When you're frustrated with people, when they've made you angry, it just may be because you haven't given them enough time.

Young English managers don't get enough time, young black managers aren't given enough time, there are a lot of reasons why.

We spend too much time talking about each other, at each other, past each other, and not enough time talking with each other.

There is never enough time to say our last word-the last word of our love, of our desire, faith, remorse, submission, revolt.

When you have teachers saying, 'I don't have enough time for hands-on activities,' we need to rethink the way we do education.

When I became an actor, I decided I had enough time, talent, and resources to support people who are in dire need of assistance.

Committing to a lifetime of wellness is not a luxury-it's a necessity. You'll never have enough time; you have to make the time.

I'm not used to not having enough time to live with the songs. Usually, if I write something, I live with it for a little while.

I think the work process' - composers do not get enough time to make a good song. That's the one thing which needs to be changed.

I love to read. I don't get enough time to read. I love reading the Internet. I love reading magazines. I love going on the 'net.

Of course, no one has enough time to see every shop that Mumbai has: That would take more lifetimes than even the gods could offer.

I was so fully involved in football and building a career that I didn't spend nearly enough time with my son when he was growing up.

I don't think we spend enough time in reflection and introspection. We don't know who we are as individuals in this culture anymore.

Music is like wine, it ages beautifully - and if you spend enough time you can just sit there and listen to it entirely differently.

I don't think we spend enough time in reflection and introspection. We don't know who we are as individuals in this culture any more.

Action should be founded on contemplation, and those of us who act don't put enough time, don't give enough emphasis, to contemplation.

I don't know why I don't watch a lot of movies; I can barely keep up with the things my friends are in. There isn't enough time in life.

I resigned from captaincy because I wanted the new captain to get enough time for preparing a team before the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019.

She may have had enough time to deal with things. What if she does come back? What will you do?" Grant asked me. What would I do? I'd beg.

When I was out there on the floor, I think I did pretty good for myself... I've never really had enough time to play and actually improve.

I have a hard enough time speaking for myself - I don't pretend I can be a spokesman for anybody. I have no interest in playing that role.

If we spend enough time with God, He'll either make us strong enough that problems won't bother us, or He'll show us what to do about them.

Do you wanna leave soon? No, I want enough time to be in love with everything... And I cry because everything is so beautiful and so short.

I realize that I won't have quite enough time to understand everything - but that hasn't stopped me wanting to understand as much as I can.

Reality is overrated to me. Everyone spends enough time on the computer, eating, going out to bars. Why do I need to read a book about that?

One of the main pitfalls of any theoretically 'niche' show is that you spend too much time on the 'niche' and not enough time on the 'show.'

One of the main pitfalls of any theoretically "niche" show is that you spend too much time on the "niche" and not enough time on the "show."

Time scares me: having enough time to do all the things that I want to do in life, just even in terms of forgetting about the business I'm in.

I'm all about time management. I have gotten my makeup prep in the morning down to, like, four minutes. There's just not enough time in the day.

These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.

New York at times runs me dry because there's so much to do. There's never enough time to do everything. It's nice to have the balance in Moscow.

There are some things about Trump's foundation and charity that I really want to know. I worry there may not be enough time to figure it all out.

There's never enough time to shoot battle scenes or fight scenes. It always feels rushed. Anytime horses are involved, it eats up time like crazy.

I've always tried to be honest, and it would be too difficult for me to develop some kind of persona. I don't have enough time or energy for that.

I don't spend enough time with my children, but when I am with them, I like to help them with their homework - even though they know more than me!

There really is no time for wallowing in the miseries of life: we don’t have all the time in the world, we have all the world, and not enough time.

Spend enough time wrangling a toddler, and you get good at being kind but firm. Like your child, you must be doggedly single-minded when it matters.

The Shift hasn't happened yet, maybe it never will, but sometimes-just enough times to give me hope-my brain jars back into where it's supposed to be.

I'm always worrying: 'Am I spending enough time with my kids? Am I working too hard? Have I scheduled enough playdates this week?' I don't sleep much.

I just feel like there hasn't been enough time away from all this other stuff and into this new world or sort of big world that it hasn't worn off yet.

It's ironic that in our culture everyone's biggest complaint is about not having enough time; yet nothing terrifies us more than the thought of eternity.

Philanthropic dollars are precious resources, so it's our responsibility to consider how we use them carefully. Yet few of us spend enough time doing so.

I’d like to have enough time and quiet To think about absolutely nothing, To not ever feel myself living, To only know myself in others’ eyes, reflected.

I think that, in all of my time, I got just one fan letter, from an NFL fullback named Darian Barnes. NFL players might not have enough time for my books.

I always say if you've seen good acting on television, those actors are really good. Because there's just not enough time. You don't have any preparation.

I wasn't interested in having to live with a camera - I have a hard enough time getting along with myself. I don't need cameras around and all that action.

I'm very much a hypochondriac, worried about dying, and not having enough time to work with the people I want to work with and being fulfilled as an actor.

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