I am just enjoying my youth but I want to settle down eventually.

My target is enjoying and proving to myself that I am progressing.

I'm enjoying the aging process and the gray hair and the wrinkles.

I was enamored with him. And I was excited. And I was enjoying it.

I'm definitely capable of just enjoying riding my bike these days.

I am confident of doing well because I am enjoying my sport again.

I will never apologise for laughing at life and enjoying football.

Success is not getting what you want, it's enjoying what you have.

I'm enjoying dating. I'm single, though, I'm not in a relationship.

I am just enjoying the dream of being Milan coach at the age of 40.

If I sound like I'm enjoying myself, it's not artificial. It's real.

We're just four guys and we are enjoying what we're doing with Tool.

If you're not enjoying yourself, you can't really look as if you are.

What drives me is winning medals and going out there and enjoying it.

I'm enjoying 40. Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.

I'm enjoying myself this year and for once I'm not chasing my fitness.

Keep enjoying it, and if you do that, then you are going to get better.

I hope to start enjoying flirting again when I'm 70, like my mother did.

For me, life is about being happy. Life is about enjoying and that's it.

There is a distinction between total control and enjoying total freedom.

I love watching people enjoying food. It's very relaxing for me to cook.

It's good to be busy. I prefer that than sitting back and enjoying life.

I'm doing it by enjoying what I do in the gym, really enjoying my foods.

I'm enjoying watching my kids grow and play sports. That's a ton of fun.

I write music to please myself. Hopefully the director's enjoying it too.

Burn out is such a real thing, especially when you are enjoying your job.

The money doesn't interest me. I'm not enjoying MotoGP, and I'm retiring.

What mom cares about most is that I'm happy, healthy and enjoying my life.

I'm having a lot of fun, enjoying my life and trying to raise my children.

I'm enjoying the money, the big house, the cars; what ghetto kid wouldn't?

I'm becoming a professional nomad and enjoying that whole part of my life.

But live shows are cool. I just got back into the idea of enjoying it live.

I've been a musician my whole life. I'm really enjoying making music again.

I was still enjoying coaching, but there was a repetitious manner about it.

I am enjoying my time as Barnet coach, but I think I could do it in Serie A.

If I'm enjoying myself, I find my opportunities for more fun become greater.

As long as I am playing and enjoying playing, then that is all that matters.

As long as I keep enjoying my golf, then hopefully I'll be able to play well.

I feel as though I have established myself at Liverpool and I am enjoying it.

I am just enjoying the attention I am getting. It has been very overwhelming.

I've been acting since age 8. I just stopped enjoying it as much as I used to.

I enjoy now doing what I do... playing golf, relaxing a little, enjoying life.

I believe in enjoying the game. If you make it too much work, that's not good.

I am enjoying the process of filmmaking and I might take up direction as well.

I am a teacher. And I think I am a serious one who happens to be enjoying life.

I have finally become a husband and I am genuinely enjoying every moment of it.

Focus is the secret to success. Focus and enjoying whatever it is you're doing.

I'm enjoying it with Ireland, and I won't be pressured into playing for England.

I'm enjoying my life as a fighter, but more as a human and this is what matters.

That's the story of life - when you start enjoying people, it's always too late.

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