Obviously, I'm enjoying my County stint. This is the first time I am playing County cricket and it's a different experience. It's an opportunity of a lifetime and everyone should play it.

I don't know of any cases where as a result of religious precepts a population have found themselves enjoying less food than they would have if they didn't follow this particular religion.

I was enjoying my football, even though it wasn't really going well. That's when I said to my dad, who as a New Zealander was very keen on me playing cricket, that I would choose football.

With every side I've played for, I've always tried to fit in and joke with my team mates while enjoying good times with them on and off the pitch. And that's what's happened with Les Bleus.

The glory is being happy. The glory is not winning here or winning there. The glory is enjoying practicing, enjoy every day, enjoying to work hard, trying to be a better player than before.

The '80s were about trying to establish myself as an actor with a career. And being a teenager enjoying the fruits of being successful with lots of what I think is appropriate for that age.

Orson Welles was one of these people who was defying everything the doctors told him he wasn't supposed to be doing. He was really enjoying himself when he was eating what he wanted to eat.

I do have to earn a living, so I'm conscious of probable reactions from readers, but the most important one is still the awareness that if I'm not enjoying a story, the reader won't either.

Just going to games from a young age with my dad, watching Tottenham as often as I could, celebrating in my front room, singing and enjoying it, so many fond memories from when I was a kid.

Everybody is going to have their own issues that they bring to the table, but for me, the best thing is just giving over to whatever is there and trusting whatever is there and enjoying it.

So I never forget how lucky I am. That's the reason above all else why I'm determined to keep enjoying cricket, whatever the wins or the losses. As long as I do that then the runs will come.

As much as I'm enjoying stuff out here in Hollywood, I will always think of myself as a comic-book writer who does film and television, not a film and TV writer who occasionally does comics.

I always go in with the feeling that I'm gonna have a good time in what I'm doing. I entertain myself when I perform. If I do that, then I can see the other performers enjoying my character.

We should be happy. We should be enjoying that there is all this bounty. Somebody can take an iPod and have all the world's music at their beck and call in an instant. What an amazing thing!

It takes a little time to return to a Formula One car after 15 months away and to get back in the rhythm again, but after about 20 laps, I was feeling really comfortable and enjoying myself.

I like making stories and characters that people can relate to. I also like giving the audience a departure from whatever they're thinking about in their life and enjoying a show or a movie.

I never want to give people something I've already given them; I wanna give them something new, you know? So the people who've been enjoying my music for years, I hope they continue to enjoy.

I want to enjoy the games because not a lot of people have the chance to do what we do. That's how we started football as well, enjoying what we are doing and that's what I try to do as well.

How do I think the industry's changed? Films have changed a lot. I think women are finally able to get older and be sexy just like men. So I'm really enjoying that part - that's my evolution.

I don't like kids that are pushed into things by stage mums, but when I can see they are having a good time, they're excited and enjoying the process, then I think it's wrong to discriminate.

As a U.S. Senator, I've tried my best to practice politics the way I think it's supposed to be practiced - always looking for common ground and truly enjoying the people I meet along the way.

I have a bit of a problem with 'American Idol.' Forgive me, but it's difficult for me to watch. I can't help but think of people being exploited. On the other hand, I'm really enjoying 'Glee.'

I still keep thinking someone will penetrate my guilty secret - that I have been masquerading as a writer all these years while all I was really doing was enjoying myself, pursuing my passion.

I love all Daphne du Maurier's stuff. And just enjoying period dramas, really... wanting to do something drastically different from 'Nighty Night', the chance to write very different language.

I first came on the scene during the Johnson years and that crowd was out all the time enjoying themselves. Nixon wasn't particularly social but a lot of the people in his administration were.

To lose your everyday life of surfing and being creative on waves, enjoying the ocean - that's scary to me. It was essential to at least try surfing again and get out there and see how it went.

There's nothing wrong with having a collection, but it becomes a problem when it overwhelms your space. When you're not displaying it properly, you're not enjoying it and it turns into clutter.

It's good for people to look at me and think, 'This guy is doing his thing and enjoying what he's doing and successful at it and living his life.' And that's what I'm doing, and I'm very happy.

I love having the laid-back, easy-going, family-priority nature of New Zealand, but I'm certainly enjoying the States in terms of the career opportunities and the enthusiasm I get to find work.

There are so many ideas in my mind of old craftsmanship and food we have been enjoying for thousands of years. Some are on the verge of oblivion. I hope to preserve them through my small efforts.

Well, I grew up in Switzerland where my parents were immigrant workers, but my whole family are very good cooks - my father also. So I always saw my parents enjoying to cook and prepare the food.

In the hot summer months, popsicles are a perfect way to cool down while enjoying a delicious, fruity treat. Frozen, refreshing, mouth-friendly candy on a stick cannot get any better... or can it?

Most children tell themselves stories in which they figure as powerful figures, enjoying the pleasures not only of the adult world as they conceive it but of a world of wonders unlike dull reality.

You get the best out of the girls when they're enjoying themselves, when they've got a smile on their face - they're working hard on the training pitch, but they're allowed to relax off it as well.

I get criticized for being me. I'm enjoying life, and people see it as me not being serious. Not taking the game seriously. You shouldn't hate somebody for being themselves, for enjoying themselves.

I started playing football with my mates and my brothers, in the playground or the park or the front garden. It was just about enjoying it, having a good time playing. I wanted to play all the time.

I never thought that I would co-host something at TED. I've been attending TED conferences since 2009, so I've been in the audience for many, many years, enjoying the very hard work of the TEDsters.

I wasn't enjoying golf much. I was kind of getting a little bit tired, I was getting a little bit moody, and I was constantly getting angry. That's not me. And when I saw that I knew I had to change.

No one has said, 'What are you doing still playing?' Everyone said, 'Play as long as possible.' You stop when you stop enjoying it, and I'll know when I've had enough and can't keep up with the boys.

I like to do chill things on dates. I think it would be fun to go to the zoo. I know it's really weird and random, but I love animals. It'd be like a day of doing silly things, while enjoying nature.

At first it was a bit daunting, but once I started to do it, the more I got into it, the more I started enjoying it and being able to say things lyrically that I would normally have to say musically.

I'd tell myself to not feel pressure about time, that every moment you invest on watching, exploring, studying and enjoying what you love to do, that all becomes part of becoming what you want to be.

This is the first time in 10 years I don't know what I'm doing next, and I'm rather enjoying it. Soon I'll be climbing the walls no doubt, but right now, it's not clear, I'm just enjoying the freedom.

How much does it really matter whether your child will soon be enjoying a first year at Harvard or Yale or will instead end up at her third or fourth or fifth choice? Probably much less than you think.

I've experienced different opportunities and countries, and it's been fun but I want to be settled and find a club where I'm happy and enjoying my football. I got sick of the whole moving around thing.

I think being a good dad is on the list of things to do. But, I will always ski, climb, surf, and be out in the mountains and oceans. It's who I am. My goal is to just keep doing it all and enjoying it.

I remember in grade school having a group of friends and enjoying that sense of community, enjoying living in an imaginary world that wasn't just by yourself or your sibling but a whole group of people.

I loved stories as a kid, both being read to me and enjoying on my own. All these stories inspired my imagination, and that's what I have always aimed at doing for my readers: ignite their imaginations.

I think life is so much about enjoying and not punishing yourself or restricting yourself too much. The more I let go of all my rules, the more free and happy I am, and nothing happens. So I just enjoy.

I personally feel like if I were to talk to myself when I was a trainee I'd like to tell myself that every minute of me dreaming and enjoying what I do is all investment in what I'm doing for the future.

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