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The rules of engagement have become so rigid that governments often straightjacket themselves in the face of unambiguous aggression.
Kids today don't want to get married. Too many of their friends have been married and divorced already. They just don't believe in it
Our ability to effectively engage China and the Arab world rests on shared economic and political interests and mutual understanding.
The mullahs are part of the past in Iran, not its future. But change in Iran will come through engagement, not through confrontation.
Love has been described as a three-ring circus: First comes the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, and after that the suffering.
In a professional service environment, you often work on one engagement or deal after another, with one ending before the next begins.
If the [actors] are working, and I have a dinner engagement, I don't do 20 takes. I do five takes and go home. I want to go to dinner.
It's estimated that there may be two hundred and fifty million children in the world engaged in some form of exploitative child labour.
Well, I know, of course, how important it is not to keep a business engagement, if one wants to retain any sense of the beauty of life.
When you touch the pain of the world as real, there is a solidarity, an engagement with the Gospel, a living faith that blossoms forth.
Achieving control over change, in respect to lifestyle, demands an engagement with the outer social world rather than a retreat from it.
It is only in the light of the inescapable fact of death that a person can adequately engage and enter upon the mysterious fact of life.
Over time, diversity has come to be acknowledged as an essential enhancer of corporate productivity, performance, and talent engagement.
I wanted something that was really 'us,' but not typical engagement photos in any way. We're not a fancy couple. More jeans and T-shirts.
We're moving toward the kind of work world which has less security. But we hope it has more creativity and possibility of real engagement.
Neither the few nor the many have a right to act merely by their will, in any matter connected with duty, trust, engagement, or obligation.
I would argue that in terms of our country's international profile, Brexit is just as significant a development as any military engagement.
Like flossing, frequent engagement with a product, especially over a short period of time, increases the likelihood of forming new routines.
Through the evolutionary process, those who are able to engage in social cooperation of various sorts do better in survival and reproduction.
I like that people who are not experts can not only understand but get engaged by my work. I like that Joe Paterno can read me. Bill Bradley.
Life is a massive amount of feelings with the occasional profound engagement with intellect. As I get older, I hope the intellect takes over.
I do feel, in a sense, the rules of engagement for citizenship has changed, and we must encourage other people to speak up and to take action.
People often say that stress is a motivator. What we're referring to when we say this is really better described as stimulation and engagement.
The most memorable engagement for me, I suppose, was an away-day to Leicester. I went without William, so I was rather apprehensive about that.
A strong believer in the importance of cooperation in the hemisphere, President Trump has made engagement with regional leaders a top priority.
I grew up in Minnesota, where we treasure our tradition of civic engagement - and our record of having the nation's highest voter participation.
Hindsight is always 20/20, but I imagine a lot of married and divorced people have insights to share about how they felt during their engagement.
My mother says I didn't open my eyes for eight days after I was born, but when I did, the first thing I saw was an engagement ring. I was hooked.
Most controversies would soon be ended, if those engaged in them would first accurately define their terms, and then adhere to their definitions.
I'm looking for stories that make me sit up and take notice. For engagement with language and style in ways that the genre doesn't see enough of.
Organised religion, organised anything, requires commitment and requires an engagement with something. A lot of the time, we don't want to commit.
WhatsApp's extremely high user engagement and rapid growth are driven by the simple, powerful and instantaneous messaging capabilities we provide.
Cross-strait engagement must be consistent and guided by a stable policy with respect for past interaction and agreements signed by the two sides.
One of the areas that many of us, including the Women's March organizers, are focusing on is starting mass voter registration and voter engagement.
President Obama and I recognize the importance of strong economic engagement for the continued growth of both the Philippines and the United States.
Our ancestors went through so much in a fight for us to vote. So I believe that we should engage in all civic participation. It's healthy engagement.
It's almost scary how good things are right now. I've been engaged now for about a year and it's the first time anything like that has happened to me.
The engagements with the International Investment Council have developed in a very interesting way. It is, again, the point I raised at the beginning.
What really matters from the point of view of social capital and civic engagement is not merely nominal membership, but active and involved membership.
It's going to sound ridiculous, but knowing how to pose, how to maintain a level of engagement and variation for a day of shooting, is actually a skill.
A positive engagement to marry a certain person at a certain time, at all haps and hazards, I have always considered the most ridiculous thing on earth.
And, perhaps most importantly, regional conflicts will again and again confront us with a cruel choice between costly engagement and costly indifference.
If enough people openly engage in conduct once considered reprehensible, we rewrite the rule book and assume that God, as a good democrat, will go along.
Whites have not had to build the cognitive or affective skills or develop the stamina that would allow for constructive engagement across racial divides.
I don't think I'll get married again. I'm not looking for it. What I can say about my divorce and my failed engagement is that I learned where my bar is.
I engaged upon those activities because I believed that, in the dangerous circumstances which have been created in South Africa, it was my duty to do so.
You hear a lot of horror stories about proposing and things going horribly wrong - it went really, really well and I was really pleased when she said yes.
States, like individuals, who observe their engagements, are respected and trusted: while the reverse is the fate of those who pursue an opposite conduct.