A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.

I've found that eating vegan the last five or six months has really given me energy, I feel good and I look fabulous.

No one's lazy. What we would call the laziest person on earth expends a tremendous amount of energy to not do things.

Every person who sees you physically evaluates you and projects energy towards you based upon the way you've dressed.

Nuclear energy is a baseload - meaning it's power that you can run any time you want, day or night - and carbon-free.

If I do an interview with [Holocaust survivor] Elie Wiesel, am I required as a journalist to find a Holocaust denier?

You get to decide what energy you choose to download in any moment. No one but you gets to decide who you wish to be.

According to the kinetic theory of gases, the mean kinetic energy of a molecule is a measure of absolute temperature.

Ending poverty and ensuring sustainability are the defining challenges of our time. Energy is central to both of them.

My mom is in her mid-60s and has more energy and is more youthful than any human being I know. It's pretty incredible.

If all the ineffective ideas for solving the energy crisis were laid end to end, they would reach to the moon and back

The price of apparent happiness and enjoyment is the neglect of the spontaneous active energies of the acting members.

It takes a lot of energy and a lot of neurosis to write a novel. If you were really sensible, you'd do something else.

As an actor, I'm familiar with having bursts of energy, where you're giving things a try, and then you have down time.

The US spends more on energy R&D than all other countries put together, and I personally consider it quite inadequate.

People who exploit others come to spend an enormous amount of energy wondering about and justifying that exploitation.

There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure.

I've often been accused of spending more time and energy criticizing my fellow Democrats than criticizing Republicans.

We are bits of energy floating about in various guises, and when we die we rejoin the big cosmic soup of the universe.

I see that the West is beginning to separate the question of nuclear armament from the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Lust is the base of most physical ills, and like a tapeworm in the system, it feeds on our best energies and vitality.

It's either some kind of electricity or some kind of energy. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, I've got it.

Where you are going to spend your time and your energy is one of the most important decisions you get to make in life.

This has ever been the fate of energy in security; it takes to art and to eroticism, and then comes languor and decay.

The energy varies with the square of the velocity, so if you need five times the velocity, that's 25 times the energy.

There's nothing like young children's energy... They are always curious, and enthusiastic about many different things.

We can wake ourselves up, discover in ourselves an energy that was hidden there, and act with more clarity, more force.

Death has an energy. It is thick as sludge, heavy as iron, and pulls you down into yourself like an imploding building.

We have great work ahead of us, and it needs devotion and much, much energy. To grow, to discover, we need involvement.

Belief may be no more, in the end, than a source of energy, like a battery which one clips into an idea to make it run.

It's a lot harder to push forward things, like energy policy. There's a big dream out there about wind and solar power.

I decided to shift my energy and concentration into changing my lifestyle and diet and taking charge of my own illness.

The solution is to ignore the bad habit and put your energy toward building a new habit that will override the old one.

Winning coaches must treat mistakes like copperheads in the bedclothes - avoid them with all the energy you can muster.

I don't really want to retire. I intend to go on working as long as I can because I still have a huge amount of energy.

People see a lot of huge stuff on Broadway, but there's always Off-Broadway energy and also shows that you can work in.

Pain will never leave us. Instead of putting energy into destroying pain, we need to put energy into creating pleasure.

The gay movement has realized its agenda, so they've gotta transfer that energy somewhere and transgenders is the next.

Our exclusive dependence on rational thought and language has obscured our natural ability to sense the flow of energy.

What you must understand is that my voice comes from the energy of the audience. The better they are, the better I get.

There is inside you all of the potential to be whatever you want to be all of the energy to do whatever you want to do.

Vortices of pure energy can exist and, if my theories are right, can compose the bodily form of an intelligent species.

The difference between men is in energy, in the strong will, in the settled purpose and in the invincible determination.

Consciousness regulates and becomes the flow of energy and information in your body, your relationships, and your world.

Self-awareness includes awareness of your mental realm, which encompasses your thoughts, feelings, energy, and emotions.

I decided to make the life I want, and put energy into what moves me, and not rely on anyone for approval of my choices.

You didn't have to work to keep your fear up, your energy up, or your anxiety. It is all kind of built into the process.

Youngsters lack wisdom; elders lack energy! When wisdom and energy comes to gather, great things are destined to happen!

It would be madness to let the purposes or the methods of private enterprise set the habits of the age of atomic energy.

We're electrical items and when we die the electricity goes somewhere else. When we die our energy goes into the galaxy.

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