When pain ends, gain ends too.

Statism ends with an eye roll.

All true stories end in death.

Truth in the end shall prevail.

Ambition never comes to an end.

Is God an end or is He a means?

This is the end of our sentence

Where laws end, tyranny begins.

I cry at the end of every book.

In the end words are just wind.

Love has a hundred gentle ends.

It'll all end in tears and oil.

Tests of love always end badly.

It's all bound to end in tears.

Doubters will doubt to the end.

It will all end very badly, Gus

In the end, we are our choices.

A journey once begun, has no end

When diplomacy ends, War begins.

There is no end to renunciation.

And where love ends, hate begins

Two is the beginning of the end.

You have reached the end of cake

Work ends up dehumanizing people.

There's never an end for the sea.

The end of education is character

In the end....everything matters.

It is the end result that counts.

Hard work always wins in the end.

The end is inherent in the means.

The ends do not justify the means

In the end, everything is simple.

In the end only kindness matters.

In the end there is only Matisse.

Let's be best friends till the end

The warm love has the coldest end.

Wherever Law ends, Tyranny begins.

Now is the moment that never ends.

In the end, you will always kneel.

The end doesn't justify the means.

Your hate will be your bitter end.

The end of culture is right living

Acting should be an end in itself.

Where the law ends tyranny begins.

Peace begins When expectation ends.

In the end, we know God as unknown.

From the end spring new beginnings.

We must end war before war ends us.

The truth will come out in the end.

Where mystery begins religion ends.

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