Meeting someone does not mean you're endorsing them.

I'm no longer a believer in politicians endorsing other politicians.

I am not endorsing being thin; I am endorsing being your fittest self.

I have to feel good about what I'm endorsing because I have to live with it.

I do get a lot of offers for endorsing a brand, but for me, the credibility of the brand matters the most.

I won't even say who I'm going to vote for. I don't want to make people feel like me, or MySpace, is endorsing anyone.

I have concluded unequivocally that the right person is Michael Gove and I am delighted to be endorsing his candidacy.

I am very choosy about making event appearances and endorsing brands because, as actors, we have to be very responsible.

By supporting Reagan, evangelicals were not supporting womanizing or divorce, but they were endorsing Reagan's policies.

BOLD PAC is Hispanic first, Democratic second. And it's a close, close second because we do not engage in endorsing non-Democrats.

I will not contest my parliamentary seat in a sad election that will not produce a Parliament capable of endorsing a realistic reform agenda for Greece.

Endorsing Ronald Reagan in 1980, Kissinger threw in with America's new militarists, who would jump-start a revived Cold War and drive to retake the Third World.

I'm endorsing Col. Maness for United States Senate because of his deeply held commitment to the constitutional rights and principles our nation was founded upon.

I work with brands that I personally connect with or personally use. For example, I was already driving the Suzuki Hayabusa long before I started endorsing Suzuki.

I'm pleased the administration is endorsing the need for legislation dealing with the chemical sector. In the past, the administration's position has been ambiguous.

I tend to personally judge issue by issue rather than sort of endorsing this football-team mentality that we fall into in this country, where it's all about the team.

When I started 'CNN,' I made the decision to stay out of endorsing candidates, and let the doers make up their own minds about politics, that it wasn't going to come from me.

Endorsing unconventional monetary policies unquestioningly is tantamount to saying that it is acceptable to distort asset prices if there are other domestic constraints on growth.

I used to do promo work, where you would be paid not very much to stand in the street for a very long time endorsing a product that you'd either A, never heard of, or B, didn't like.

I am endorsing Barack Obama because he is a new kind of leader: he speaks with a different voice; he brings a new perspective and inspires a real excitement from the American people.

It's important for Republicans to nominate someone who not only has a vision of how to create jobs, but who has done it. That's why I am endorsing Texas Governor Rick Perry for President.

Don't look at a person - look into the person. Heart is the hero, not the colour. I don't stand against or for any colour; I just believe in endorsing the idea of not endorsing any colour.

The problem is that Americans use the state as a moral compass. For libertarians, it is often frustrating to explain that advocating the decriminalization of x is not synonymous with endorsing x.

I believe that the Framers of the Constitution made their intent clear when they wrote the First Amendment. I believe they wanted to keep the new government from endorsing one religion over another, not erase the public consciousness or common faith.

As a Republican governor, a senator, or member of Congress, or as a Republican candidate, let me remind you: You're known by the company you keep. By associating yourself with or endorsing Trump, you own Trump's toxic radioactivity with voters outside his base.

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes, I do get paid to go to parties; in fact, I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party, I'm always working or promoting something.

The danger facing us comes not from lack of resources, but from people who insist that we have run out of resources. If you embrace their idea of a world where there is only so much to go around, then you are endorsing a program of genocide and a war of all against all.

Rather than embracing mainstream, majority-held positions, 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have made it exceedingly clear that they will sacrifice themselves on the altar of the radical left - endorsing positions held by a select few and fueling an unstoppable tailwind behind President Trump's reelection.

I am endorsing Sen. Cruz because I have worked with him in the trenches, fought battles with him on the Hill, and he has proven himself to be honorable, tough, and a man of his word. He votes the way he says he will vote. He backs his words with action. I respect that, and for that reason, I think he will make a great president.

The people at my label are always endorsing what I say. They say, 'You see the truth, so speak it.' They believe in me. They respect my opinion. At least I have an opinion, and I'm not trying to play it safe. I don't go around saying, 'I think everyone is great, and the world is fantastic.' Everyone has opinions. They just don't say it.

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