A big endorsement deal would be awesome.

The endorsement game has been very good to me.

I'm not exactly the endorsement people are seeking.

I would entertain endorsement offers if they came along.

The NBC using us on air is a great endorsement of quality.

One should not confuse the craving for life with endorsement of it.

Passivity is a tacit endorsement of evil we are too afraid to oppose actively.

To be in 'Vogue' has to mean something. It's an endorsement. It's a validation.

On some level any appearance on Television can be seen as a product endorsement.

I'm an NBA player with no shoe deal. No endorsement deal. And I play in New York!

I am so proud to have the endorsement of a distinguished leader like Glenn Poshard.

Was President Obama's endorsement of gay marriage crassly political? God, I hope so.

I've always been careful to make it clear that my endorsement of Trump is mine only.

I don't want anyone's endorsement. If the public likes my work, they will support me.

It's a true honor to have the endorsement of the Kentucky Professional Fire Fighters.

I want it all. I want the Pepsi endorsement. I want the arena shows. I want Times Square!

The one endorsement that makes the most difference is from the constituents in the district.

As for Colt 45, I am very proud of my endorsement of the product, and it still 'Works every time.'

I drive an American car. It's a Chrysler. That's not an endorsement. It's more like a cry for pity.

When I went pro at 13, I had plenty of sponsors that give me endorsement deals and stuff like that.

If the children of a group's founder are to take over that group, they need the endorsement of society.

NSS is pleased that VP Pence has provided a strong endorsement for public-private partnerships in space.

I had a pension that I was paying into for 27 years... It's now worth less than a Herman Cain endorsement.

My endorsement of Senator Obama will not be welcome news to my friends and family at the Clinton campaign.

Obama's endorsement of gay marriage is hardly as consequential as Johnson's legislative success on civil rights.

I think, for us, as an evening wear line, anytime someone on the red carpet wears our dress, it's an endorsement.

Uncritical American boosterism - automatic endorsement of every government action - is myopic and self-defeating.

When there's no push back against Islamophobic rhetoric, people see that as tacit endorsement of anti-Islamic rhetoric.

Whether anyone has ever changed their mind as a result of a celebrity endorsement of a candidate is a bit of a mystery.

No prime minister in Britain will ever be able to go to war without the endorsement of a majority of the House of Commons.

I think it's always wonderful to dress people in the public eye. It's the icing on the cake and such an endorsement of what we do.

I did say that in-group, authority and purity are necessary for the maintenance of order, but I would never give them a blanket endorsement.

Experience helped Richard Nixon, but it didn't save him, and it certainly wasn't a blanket endorsement. He blundered terribly in dealing with Vietnam.

I'll continue to work to ensure that safety and I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the men and women who provide public safety in our city.

Getting the support of Syria is the moral equivalent of winning the Klan's endorsement - it might be useful but it doesn't necessarily speak well of you.

Religious poetry, civic poetry, lyric or dramatic poetry are all categories of man's expression which are valid only if the endorsement of formal content is valid.

I am well aware that, if my endorsement is meaningful and helpful to Huckabee, it is because my father devoted so much of his life and ministry to cultural reform.

One of the things that's difficult for people to understand is when you join the military, you don't sign up as an endorsement of any particular policy of the moment.

Hopefully celebrities will resist the allure of advertising e-cigarettes in magazines, and also in movies, knowing that their endorsement have a powerful effect on teenagers.

At one level, an award is an endorsement, a confirmation, but I always find myself looking askance at awards and good reviews, as though another Garry Disher had earned them.

If you have market power like Nike, you can set terms that are much tougher because athletes value the endorsement of Nike - it means as much to them as it does to the company.

The endorsement of respected conservative Republican officeholders and politicians is particularly important at this time as to destroy Reagan's credibility as a loyal Republican.

It's impossible to get to a billion dollars by endorsement deals. The biggest deals only take you so far. It's how you make money when you're asleep that's going to get you there.

In all humility, I don't know that an endorsement from Mark Meadows is going to make a difference as much as the commitment of that particular candidate to really represent the people.

I'm looking forward to partnering with TPG Capital and Leonard Green & Partners. This transaction is a clear endorsement of J. Crew and the hard work and dedication of all of our associates.

Any district attorney knows that an endorsement from law enforcement unions is vital to earning voters' trust. As a result, police unions play an outsized role in district attorney elections.

I have to - I think an endorsement is something incredibly important. I would never do it just strategically. I would have to have full confidence that I have got no questions about the person.

How would Jonathan Lethem have obtained such a stellar endorsement for 'The Fortress of Solitude' from Michael Chabon, if not for the years they spent ghostwriting 'MAD' magazine fold-ins together?

If I were John Bolton, I'd take great consolation in the words of my principal supporter on the committee, who gave a ringing endorsement, which was, There is no evidence that he has broken any laws.

Believe me, I've known a lot of journalists, and their opinions on most subjects are wrong. If the entire mainstream media is aligned against Trump, it is just about the best endorsement he could hope for!

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