Are all ends of life so sad?

Our worst fear isn't the end of life but the end of memories.

The end of life has its own nature, also worth our attention.

How deceitful hope may be, yet she carries us on pleasantly to the end of life.

Attempting to grapple with improving end-of-life care is a political third rail.

I can tell you that the end of life is the some of the love that was lived in it.

It's not what you have at the end of life, it's what you leave behind that matters.

There is nothing more tragic than to come to the end of life and know we have been on the wrong course.

Take away God and religion, and men live to no purpose, without proposing any worthy end of life to themselves.

Under Medicare right now, I get paid to put a pacemaker in you, but I don't get paid to counsel you about end-of-life care.

They had...finished their lives before their death - which is not always the end of life and often comes long before the end.

We enjoy this illusion of continuity and we call it memory. Which explains, perhaps, why our worst fear isn't the end of life, but the end of memories

In the beginning of life, when we are infants, we need others to survive. And at the end of life, we need others to survive. But here's the secret, in between, we need others as well.

God has reserved to Himself the right to determine the end of life, because He alone knows the goal to which it is His will to lead it. It is for Him alone to justify a life or to cast it away.

Yes, hell exists. It is not a fairy tale. One indeed burns there. This hell is not at the end of life. It is here. At the beginning. Hell is what the infant must experience before he gets to us.

The aim is to postpone frailty, postpone degenerative disease, debilitation and so on and thereby shorten the period at the end of life, which is passed in a decrepit or disabled state, while extending life as a whole.

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