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Blank House was exactly a nice empty sheet where nothing was accountable because you were so naughty that you were in Blank House.
The military and the clergy cause us much annoyance; the clergy and the military, they empty our wallets and rob our intelligence.
I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.
When I'm on a train and see an empty pitch, it gives me a certain pleasure that I can't quite describe. It's to do with potential.
Sometimes people have nothing to say because they're too empty. And sometimes people have nothing to say because they're too full.
Much historical fiction that centers on real people has always been deficient in information, lacking in craft and empty in affect.
Promises to get beyond partisanship are the most perfunctory sort of campaign rhetoric, almost as empty as the partisanship itself.
If the bubble reputation can be obtained only at the cannon's mouth, I am willing to go there for it, provided the cannon is empty.
The morality code that remains after the religion that produced it is rejected is like the perfume that lingers in an empty bottle.
Beginning empty handed and alone frightens the best of men. It also speaks volumes of just how sure they are that God is with them.
The German journalists still ring me and ask me to come back because without me their newspapers are empty - but I'm happy for that.
If people need homes then put councils and building workers to work to build them, buy up the empty ones and stop the repossessions.
The key to happiness is not to get more, but to enjoy what we have and to fill the empty frame of our lives instead of enlarging it.
As long as I know what key the solo is in, I try to kind of empty my mind and not think about anything. I just play without thinking.
I used to like to break into other people's houses and sit in their rooms. I found it very comforting to be in someone's empty house.
Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors.
I'm okay with not having a super-secure lifestyle because if you're doing what you like, you don't need stuff to fill any empty holes.
You have to let the team develop. You can't say, 'Oh, I got empty seats, I'm going to change the team.' It just doesn't work that way.
Love can come when you're already who you are, when you're filled with you. Not when you look to someone else to fill the empty space.
Creativity is a mansion. If you're empty in one room, all you have to do is go out into the hallway and enter another room that's full.
Religious programs, activities have often blurred and sidelined the centrality of the cross - causing religion to be empty of its core.
Technology remains a tool: you can have the best tool in the world, but if you have nothing to say, it will remain an empty experience.
The word of God is a Christian's instructions for life. God speaks to us through His word, so we cannot constantly be running on empty.
I took his wildness from him and tried to fold it into myself, filling up the empty spaces all those second place finishes left behind.
Both tolerance and respect are empty virtues until we actually understand whatever it is we are supposed to be tolerating or respecting.
Nerd rage to me is kind of just empty rage. I mean, ultimately, you're not going to do it; you're not going to fight somebody, you know.
Here's the thing - if you want to do good things in the world, there's just only so much time that one can spend being glass half empty.
Lifting a major trophy in front of an empty stadium would be a very strange feeling. But then you'd rather do that than not play at all.
My dad and brother, are my favourite people to go for with on long drives. The Sangli roads are quite empty and perfect for long drives.
I find that, once you get into a position where you can afford a pair of shoes and a decent level of living, success in itself is empty.
I can spot empty flattery and know exactly where I stand. In the end it's really only my own approval or disapproval that means anything.
If she spoke, she would tell him the truth: she was not okay at all, but horribly empty, now that she knew what it was like to be filled.
If your mind is empty, it is ready for anything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few.
When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive.
When I have a good performance, I'm wrecked at the end of it. I feel completely empty, and tears are pouring down my face - I'm just gone.
The tragedy of bold, forthright, industrious people is that they act so continuously without much thinking, that it becomes dry and empty.
In our present universe, many things are empty stories; amongst all these meaningless stories, love is less meaningless story than others!
Now and then, someone is able to look at an empty space, conclude it would be a great place to start a revolution, and bravely go forward.
The Democrats should have an empty chair on stage for the entire DNC, and when anyone asks who it belongs to, they can say Osama bin Laden.
Yes, O Great One, I shall do as you command. Then when we come back empty-pawed, you'll admit I was right." - Squirrelflight to Brambleclaw
When a child grows up without a father, there is an empty place where someone must stand, providing an example of character and confidence.
When you drop all your ideas, fantasies and projections about who you are and what freedom is and remain completely empty, this is freedom.
Songs that are just a vehicle for a guitar solo are very empty, just an excuse for a guitarist to show what scales he practiced last month.
As an actor, our very palette is one of imagination. So it is a walk onto an empty space and then imagine the world beyond it is what we do.
Some estimate Hulu IPO could bring in $2 billion. What will the content providers get? Zero. What is Hulu without content? An empty jukebox.
There's something that's delightful about things getting bigger and more over-the-top. Sometimes it's empty, and other times, it's just fun.
A lot of what making art is, is just being open, and empty. And putting yourself in the right place for things to, literally, come together.
Craftsmanship isn't like water in an earthen pot, to be taken out by the dipperful until it's empty. No, the more drawn out the more remains.
Caffeine is like a really attractive girl that has nothing to say. You get all jacked up on it and then you're left feeling hollow and empty.
I don't know what it is that I love so much about high school, but I'm attached. The empty hallways. The teachers. They made me feel so much.