I don't think value to the customer is achieved at the expense of employees' welfare.

The City of Portland, our police bureau, and our employees do not cooperate with ICE.

I have 120 employees on the road every day, and about 30 other employees off the road.

The only people whose opinions I worry about are my wife, my children, and my employees.

I'm not going to raise taxes; I'm not going to have a wage increase for public employees.

Being a smaller, nimbler company is better for our customers, employees and shareholders.

Sloan Gibson is doing a great job. We need to give him more power to terminate employees.

We must use every tool at our disposal to lift the living standards of low-wage employees.

The ultimate proof of confidence for a small-business owner is, are they hiring employees?

Remember, if your business isn't making money, then you and your employees aren't, either.

To our health care workers and essential employees: Thank you for everything you are doing.

Public sector employees are the eyes and ears on the ground for the communities they serve.

Advertising decisions are based on what's best for MyPillow, my employees and my customers.

HartBeat Productions is a company established by me; it's mine. I run it. I have employees.

I always tell employees: 'The group's benefit is more important than your personal benefit.'

The worst kind of businesses are ones where there are no expectations set out for employees.

I make all my advertising decisions based on what is best for my customers and my employees.

With the right support and reasonable adjustments, autistic people make wonderful employees.

The thing about us businesspeople is that we love our customers rich and our employees poor.

How do leaders serve their people? They may pay good wages and treat employees with respect.

Paying your employees well is not only the right thing to do but it makes for good business.

Some employees are protected by union or personal contracts that limit reasons for dismissal.

Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.

Your company is a product. Who are its customers? Your employees, who use it to do their jobs.

Despite these hurdles, manufacturers in the U.S. and their employees are doing remarkable work.

Employees get things done. Partners get things done done. But owners get things done done done.

Persuading employees to let go of old values and beliefs and adopt new ones can be challenging.

If you don't stay very close to clients and employees you're going to make the wrong decisions.

Employees make the best dates. You don't have to pick them up and they're always tax-deductible.

When times are tough, public employees should have to make the same sacrifices as everyone else.

Customers are using BetterWorks in a number of creative ways to reward and incentivize employees.

For an older generation of employees, social media often remains misunderstood and underutilized.

We've found that employees who live full, happy lives tend to be the most effective contributors.

I don't like bonuses for public services employees who do great jobs, like prosecutors or judges.

I tell my employees that we're in the service business, and it's incidental that we fly airplanes.

Arbitration clauses have become prevalent in most corporate agreements or contracts for employees.

Train service is particularly vital for the students and employees of Southern Illinois University.

In a world of dispersed authority, the battle for the truth will be won or lost with the employees.

I take it personally when people belittle our employees and misrepresent our record as an employer.

A well-designed 401(k) plan is an enormous competitive edge when recruiting and retaining employees.

When I started Victoria Principal Products, there were 22 full-time employees - they were all women.

The idea of investing in the positivity of employees is often low down on companies' priority lists.

By and large, small companies don't want to settle for part-time employees over full-time positions.

City employees will be hired and promoted because of their abilities - without outside interference.

Opening new stores outside of Japan is important, but training our employees is even more important.

If our employees are wearing the Uber sweatshirt to the grocery store, that would make me feel great.

Second, if you're the boss, just because they don't ask doesn't mean your employees don't have needs.

Employees are looking at us to both externally and internally represent the values that are important.

I get to deal with presidents and prime ministers and - and employees from tellers on up. And I love it.

All of my employees have passion, the philosophy of caring about the customer as an individual customer.

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