I am, by nature, an honest person. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. There is no 'behind closed doors' with me.

I like to read a lot of books and poems. Even though poems are short, I enjoy the emotions that come with them.

Rather than being a luxury, emotions are a very intelligent way of driving an organism toward certain outcomes.

Painful emotions show you what prevents you from creating harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for life.

Some of us are only going to show our emotions while we're actually vulnerable. But that's what makes us human.

I've written a number of books that have to do with the evolution of humans, human intelligence, human emotions.

I think it's a short story writer's duty, as well as writing well about emotions and characters, to write story.

Myth is a powerful medium because it talks to the emotions and not the head. It moves us into an area of mystery.

I have a very conveniently photographic memory of emotions - it's overwhelming, because things don't fade for me.

Music is a very, very powerful tool that filmmakers use to sway people into emotions that they intend you to feel.

I used to bottle up all of my emotions and never say anything. Even if something really made me mad, I'd be quiet.

That's the world we live in: when it comes to economics, people have emotions; it's not like chemistry or physics.

You try to hide your emotions, so as not to show weaknesses to others. I believe it's the same for every sportsman.

Whether we like it or not, men and women are not the same in nature, temperament, emotions and emotional responses.

You externalise extreme emotions, and you look at them objectively and understand them from a different standpoint.

Good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them.

Acting probably saved my life. It gave me a home and a safe place to let out all of my emotions and have it be okay.

Theatre is known as a beautiful form of art where an actor expresses his emotions and feelings without any re-takes.

When you want something enough, it brings out primal emotions. You get into this place of 'must happen, must happen.'

Music should be able to invoke the natural emotions in all human beings. Music is not notes fixed on apiece of paper.

Emotions can certainly be misleading: they can fool you into believing stuff that is definitely, demonstrably untrue.

Disgust is often more deeply buried than envy and anger, but it compounds and intensifies the other negative emotions.

It's still unacceptable for women to have negative emotions, especially anger, and I was trying to write against that.

During the 1960s, I think, people forgot what emotions were supposed to be. And I don't think they've ever remembered.

Music means life and love in its purest form. It's about capturing your emotions and celebrating everything about life.

Rap for me is like making movies, telling stories, and getting the emotions of the songs through in just as deep a way.

'Apricot Princess' is like an inside album. You can listen to the album and feel all of those emotions within one night.

Feeling sad or lonely isn't a bad thing. But those emotions increase the risk that you'll cross the line into self-pity.

We cannot control what emotions or circumstances we will experience next, but we can choose how we will respond to them.

I have always tried to be clear that my states are stages of justice reasoning, not of emotions, aspirations, or action.

Different fragrances promote different emotions, and I find that fragrance gets me in the frame of mind for that person.

You must remember that a woman, by nature, needs much less to feed upon than a man, a few emotions and she is satisfied.

Over the years, I have been asked to play these sort of scary frenetic characters that express their emotions physically.

Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.

In selfie pictures, there is no human touch; it's all about the pose. But selfie videos have sound, actions, and emotions.

I try to let my highs not be too high and my lows not be too low. And I do that just because I try to control my emotions.

Life experience brings out different emotions and different perspectives on things. I just want to be constantly evolving.

Poets are always taking the weather so personally. They're always sticking their emotions in things that have no emotions.

When you dominate other people's emotions, the time has to come when you will have to pay, and heavily, for that privilege.

I can't say I have control over my emotions; I don't know my mind. I'm lost like everyone else. I'm certainly not a leader.

A man is more frank and sincere with his emotions than a woman. We girls, I'm afraid, have a tendency to hide our feelings.

I feel American comedy is a little too light. World cinema, and Latin cinema, is much more comfortable with darker emotions.

I have so much to talk about. I have so much to share. There are so many different emotions going on inside of me right now.

In an age of synthetic images and synthetic emotions, the chances of an accidental encounter with reality are remote indeed.

As human beings, we all mature physically from childhood to adolescence and then into adulthood, but our emotions lag behind.

I don't let anyone's insecurities, emotions, or opinions bother me. I know that if I am happy, that's all that matters to me.

I'm aware of the mystery around us, so I write about coincidences, premonitions, emotions, dreams, the power of nature, magic.

I would have done something else in life. Something more calming, in a different area where I did not have to use my emotions.

When a loved one passes, there are mixed emotions, and a thirst to live one's own life more deeply can certainly be among them.

Art is a process of delivering or arranging elements that appeal to the emotions of a person looking at it. It's what you feel.

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