You need to feed yourself with emotions and life or you'll become empty.

Poets have always celebrated grief as one of the deepest human emotions.

Love and hate are two of the strongest emotions we feel in relationships.

Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.

I have no interest in trying to manipulate people's emotions or opinions.

My faith helps me overcome such negative emotions and find my equilibrium.

When I go into the studio, I completely detach. I let my emotions come out.

My emotions are usually my weakness, but they are my strength while acting.

The emotions in a song - the anger, aggression - have got to be legitimate.

When I was growing up, the top movies dealt with grown-up, complex emotions.

One may not regard the world as a sort of metaphysical brothel for emotions.

In the world of money and investing, you must learn to control your emotions.

The base emotions Plato banned have left a radio-active and not radiant land.

Emotions aren't the obstacles to a successful negotiation; they are the means.

Me showing my emotions... it's not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of passion.

You must not let your negative emotions distract you from achieving your goals.

I'm a big music person. I compare a lot of my emotions to how something sounds.

Sport can bring communities together and can release a lot of pent-up emotions.

As a black man, so often you grow up suppressing your emotions and sensitivity.

I just like to be real and just express real emotions and talk about real life.

The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts.

Women aren't supposed to want stuff. They're not supposed to have high emotions.

Animators can only draw from their own experiences of pain and shock and emotions.

I think, you know, I'm German, and um, probably not very expressive in my emotions.

Painting is the passage from the chaos of the emotions to the order of the possible.

I don't think you learn how to act. You learn how to use your emotions and feelings.

Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep.

If we just wanted positive emotions, our species would have died out a long time ago.

A lot of the work I've done has been about being very raw and open with your emotions.

Singing is also like acting, since I memorize my lines, and I sing with emotions, too.

I'm a kid, and a breakup is normal. I have to go through the emotions and feel it out.

Each man must grant himself the emotions that he needs and the morality that suits him.

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.

Emotions aren't just mindless urges; they contain thoughts about matters of importance.

Your own music comes out of your head and emotions, but it's not etched in your system.

Emotions never become obsolete, whether they are towards your family or your boyfriend.

Always beware your moment of triumphalism: such emotions are a poor steer on the future.

A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses and emotions of the artist's world.

Obviously the imagination is fueled by emotions beyond the control of the conscious mind.

A person buying ordinary products in a supermarket is in touch with his deepest emotions.

I choose not to give energy to the emotions of revenge, hatred or the desire to subjugate.

Control what you can control. I can control my emotions, my attitude, my effort every day.

I am a human being, with feelings and emotions and scars and flaws, just like anyone else.

The audience likes their emotions to be touched. They want to laugh and cry and feel good.

Yogis have human emotions, but the thing is not to let anger and doubt become an obsession.

Literature could be said to be a sort of disciplined technique for arousing certain emotions.

Music is intended and designed for sentient beings that have hopes and purposes and emotions.

If you don't control your emotions, your emotions will control your acts, and that's not good.

There is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love.

I'm British, so obviously I repress any powerful emotions of any kind in relation to anything.

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