Composing is an emotional thing.

Birth is such an emotional thing.

People, me included, have a truly emotional thing about this iPad.

It's obvious some people don't have an emotional thing for the music.

I think the idea of losing your hair is still very potent, emotional thing.

You never really know why you become an actor: it's a visceral thing, an emotional thing.

My skating is a very emotional thing that comes from the heart, never doing it for the medal.

And it was a huge emotional thing to leave the law and become unemployed - to be a student again.

Collaborating with other artists is an emotional thing. Obviously, you don't do it unless this person inspires you.

Writing is such a weird emotional thing. It's hard. If you sit down with a plan to write something, it's going to be harder.

As a child, I was an active Christian. I used to love the school choir and remember the carol service as always such an emotional thing.

It's a very powerful, emotional thing to read a book, and to reduce it to a series of questions in a test strips something away from the book.

A dress is an emotional thing to make. You've got to fall in love with it and not just with the dress - the whole process of designing it has to be a good experience.

Music has this emotional thing to it, and it touches people in crazy ways. The power of having that power is something that, once you have it, you don't want it to ever end.

Human curation allows you to have the emotion and feel music, because it is a very emotional thing. It makes you feel happy; it helps you when you are feeling sad, gets you pumped up, calms you down.

Music for me is an emotional thing and it really does make me happy. It's not a tool for me to get fame or see my face in the papers or anything like that. It's about the fact that I really do enjoy it.

To me, the most emotional thing is to see regular people wearing our clothes. Yes, sometimes I see our clothes on somebody, and I think, 'No!', but you can't stop someone in the street and say, 'Please go home and change.'

Now, performing is second nature and I love every second of it. It is a very emotional thing when I can't play a song; maybe I'm hitting on something that I don't want to deal with. All of it is so personal. It is like therapy.

I'm slightly influenced by sport in that I like the idea of trying, like an athlete, to keep absolutely ready. That's an emotional thing, almost. I don't mean physically, although I play tennis. But you try to keep yourself ready.

We shot in a place called Asheville, which is like beautiful, beautiful forests. And then part of it we shot all the reaping stuff, which was just crazy - because the reaping in the book and in the script is such an emotional thing for everyone. It really did feel like that when we were shooting it.

Making music is an emotional thing. And when you're on a video shoot with 50 people there, you have to somehow, in a non-emotional way, say what you want and not feel guilty for it. And that takes growing up and that takes... not caring how people perceive you as much. And it just takes experience, I think.

Price point is always important for mass market commodities. Look at the iPhone. It's expensive. But I think it is going to sell. It does something that people really want to do. People want to share it. It's an emotional thing that goes beyond the price point. It has emotional power. You are connected to it.

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