In Dante the hero would rather flee and renounce the tempting embrace instead of yielding to his desires and enduring the attendant dangers.

Guests love to be 'wowed' in Las Vegas. They enjoy and embrace new tastes, new flavors, and they come to expect the unexpected in Las Vegas.

If you want to keep on being relevant as a director, I think you have to embrace the times. And with the times come technologies and formats.

I'm appealing to people who want something different, but the world, on the whole, doesn't really embrace different things. Not on the whole.

It often requires more strength and judgment to resist than to embrace an opportunity. It is better to do nothing than to do other than well.

Every story is different, so what is a detail in one might not be in something else. Diversity is something I embrace and love about my work.

We are not a failed Arab republic, so we should not fear Arab Spring. We should embrace Arab Spring. That's what I hope Saudi Arabia will do.

We should explore ways to make us a more amazing species. A more fascinating society. We should embrace our innovations and evolve with them.

We at the NRA embrace and hold dear what makes us uniquely American. Family, responsibility, patriotism, mutual respect, honesty, civic duty.

'Nightmare on Elm Street' really lends itself to using new technologies. CGI would be a great way to exploit and embrace the dream sequences.

You just go out and do the best that you can. I think people feel that, and they embrace it, and it's a part of what makes Metallica special.

The model of publishing is changing and its happening right now, but most publishers are so frightened, they just dont know how to embrace it.

I would like to make it known, on this program, loud and clear, that I would absolutely embrace with all five of my arms being a Bond villain.

She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of rain; a racer should embrace the rain.

I'm particularly happy that the Ronald Reagan Building is both public and private, and embraces his lifelong belief... in free and open trade.

'Black Panther' has made me embrace my natural black hair. The representation of natural black hair in the film has made me reflect on myself.

We cannot continue to close our eyes to the fact that we have to truly embrace green jobs, new technologies and alternative sources of energy.

I wished she’d never stop squeezing me. I wished I could spend the rest of my life as a child, being slightly crushed by someone who loved me.

Stand-up comedy is tough right now. Anybody can come to a concert, tape you, and put you up on the Internet. You either fight it or embrace it.

A wise, joyous bookit unfolds the knowledge and the beauty of the two lives it embraces-old wisdom and young discover, intertwining like vines.

Thrilled that Gov. Romney enjoys my old character. I enjoyed the character he used 2 b 2. If he'd embrace that again, he'd b a great candidate.

Judaism to me, as badly as I practiced it, what I've always loved about it was its total embrace of complexity, its admission of unknowability.

I have lived according to rules that I embrace, but I don't feel like my job is to force others to embrace the rules that I embrace for myself.

The 21st century is the century of knowledge. Knowledge, science and education will have the power and strength to embrace the entire universe.

In the Trump era, the Left has smartly and justifiably seized a moral high ground that the Right has abandoned by its embrace of the president.

Nothing shocks me anymore. I've embraced men in thongs, I've embraced women with padded bras. I mean, I can embrace Larry King saying 'fierce.'

In the face of patriarchy, it is a brave act indeed for both men and women to embrace, rather than shame or attempt to eradicate, the feminine.

I have to embrace the fact people find me divisive, but I find it remarkable. I was very disturbed by the hatred 'Damsels in Distress' received.

The message of the free world to any potential Palestinian leadership should be a simple one: Embrace democratic reform and we will embrace you.

Fitting in is unnecessary. Embrace who you are. You will go through rough times in high school, but always stay strong, and never deny yourself!

I want people to understand and embrace that the art that inspires our technological dreams is just as important as the tech it helps us create.

To embrace Hindutva is to embrace an obscurantist, backward looking, divisive ideology that seeks to polarise society through identity politics.

You have to embrace your body, whether it's curvy or whatever you may be. You have to embrace who you are. Beauty comes from the inside not out.

The extent of your consciousness is limited only by your ability to love and to embrace with your love the space around you, and all it contains.

No one can escape politics. We are all in it. Even if we shy away from it, I just decide to embrace it. And I try to be an ally for other fights.

What kind of liberation would that be to forsake an absurdity which is logical and coherent and to embrace one which is illogical and incoherent?

My father was just a hell of a guy. He had a real strong sense of honor, and he tried to pass that on to me. I like to think that I embrace that.

Always be yourself. There's only one you. You should embrace anything that you don't like about yourself because that's individual and that's you.

We are a multicultural country - always have been, and to our credit, always will be. It is something that we should be very proud of and embrace.

Yes, Europe needs to be more welcoming, but that's only half of it. Muslims need to embrace the obligations of European residence and citizenship.

In order for fashion to progress, we have to always be willing to invest in someone or something new and embrace risks, regardless of the economy.

I had a hope that the Iraqis would embrace a new government, would establish a new Iraq very quickly, and, but I never had that as an expectation.

Forgiveness is an embrace, across all barriers, against all odds, in defiance of all that is mean and petty and vindictive and cruel in this life.

Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.

I think nerves are part and parcel of working as an actor. You can either work against them or you can embrace them, and I very much embrace them.

I want to say, embrace your sexuality, own it, be confident, but you don't have to show everything. Respect yourself, and make others respect you.

The tools of 'The Prosperous Heart' help people to embrace the life that they actually have, where they often find that they already have 'enough.'

When I get dolled up to go out, men turn their heads and I'm used to it. But I think all women are sexy and should embrace that side of themselves.

I honor the sanctity of all religions - I'm not here to put them down. But the only religion that I personally embrace is the religion of kindness.

The success of 'Deadpool' and 'Logan' have bolstered our confidence to make edgy, more daring, provocative bold movies that audiences will embrace.

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