Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lied about emails, she is still defending Planned Parenthood, and she is still her party's frontrunner.

When you wake up, instead of checking emails on your phone, or counting your retweets, pick up a pen and scratch a few sentences into a notebook.

I personally think 3D Touch is a game changer. I find that my efficiency is way up with 3D touch because I can go through so many emails so quickly.

I hit Instagram and Twitter as soon as I wake up. And then I check my texts and emails. It's funny that I check social media before I check my email.

I used to send out emails to producers to collaborate and they'd give me nothing, not even a response. As soon as I started popping off, out they came!

I've had more than 12,000 emails from the United States. It's not easy in the United States to find out the email address of a British parliamentarian.

In general, I write for ages 12 and up - although I've received emails from readers between the ages of seven and seventy. My books are science fiction.

I can never fully switch off given my work, but laying on the beach replying to a few emails on my mobile is much better than being stuck in the office.

Look, does gender play a part in how people perceive Hillary Clinton? Yes. But it's also not the reason people criticize her about the emails or Benghazi.

I love flying so much. I even like airplane food. No one bothers you and your phone never goes off and you can't have emails go through. It's undisturbed.

For me, personally, waking up before everyone else in my home allows me to work, respond to emails, or read up on current events without any distractions.

I think I'm the person who keeps friends from hitting 'send.' I've definitely helped people go through emails before sending them. I'm a good proofreader.

I had a personal email when I was in the Senate, as the vast majority of senators do. It was very convenient. I did all of my business on personal emails.

When I wake up, I'll go through emails on my iPhone - the junk email. At that point, my brain isn't usually awake enough to handle anything more than that.

Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating just makes it harder; getting them done gives a big boost of relieved energy.

I don't drink or party. There's literally no time for that. As soon as I finish a show, I go straight back to the hotel room, do emails, I sleep, that's it.

I get thousands of emails. Half my work is environment-related; the rest is pharmaceutical problems. There's so much of it. No one law firm can handle it now.

Both my parents said they never got so many emails from friends and colleagues - with all the theater work that I've done - than when I was on 'The Good Wife.'

I've turned into a technological wizard. I can send emails now, which for me is unbelievable. They don't make any sense, but I can send them. I call it e-mithering.

I remember, when we were starting Tinder, we were like, 'We're going to be the next Instagram!' I remember sending my parents emails being like, 'We got 300 members!'

My readers - and I get 400 emails for a day, my readers normally they say, well, you understand me, and I answer, you do understand me also. We are in the same level.

I take my mobile phone and iPad wherever I go. I like to switch off when I'm on holiday, but I always check emails in case someone at home is trying to get hold of me.

We need to protect the privacy rights of all Americans, and that means stopping the federal government from spying on the cellphones and emails of law-abiding citizens.

I could go through a lot of my old emails from when I first started doing comics. Back then the lowest age of fans was like 15 or 16 up to people in their 20's and 30's.

There is a saying in entrepreneurship that your early employees are all commandos. Commandos are people who can do almost everything well: emails, strategy, code, design.

For quotes, I have one document for general quotes; the other for happiness-related quotes, which I use for the 'Moment of Happiness,' my daily emails of happiness quotes.

I have a credit card and a phone. I answer emails; I answer questions on chat in the middle of the day. Then, late at night, I write against other people who do just that.

The idea that you don't spam people with five emails a day or that you offer free shipping just seemed obvious to us, because that's how we want to be treated as consumers.

People have posted my personal information on the Internet. This has resulted in additional emails, calls, and threats. My family and I were forced to move out of our home.

The music is super fun. I love writing the songs. I love performing, for the most part, and I love doing artwork, but I hate answering 100 emails a day and most interviews.

Ever since I'm done with Zim everyone thinks that I'm going to go back to comics. I've been flooded with emails asking me if I'm working on the new Johnny over and over again.

A wiretap allows government agents to collect, listen to, read, rifle through and store emails, snail mail, phone calls, text messages, photographs, bank records - you name it.

For most of us, starting off in the morning, your iPhone wakes you up, you immediately start checking emails or texts or whatever, and you're up and running until you go to bed.

The terrorists that we are up against today do not rely upon cell phones and SAT phones and emails. They rely on couriers. You cannot intercept what a courier is telling somebody.

The very purpose of Clinton's server was to intentionally retain documents and materials - all emails and attachments - on the server in her house, including classified materials.

Modern life has gotten so strange, we all get 150 emails and text messages a day, and it's hard when things are moving that quickly to keep that sense of wonder about being alive.

I don't keep a diary or a journal. Sometimes I'll send emails to friends, and that's a way of recording what I was thinking at any given time. But I've never been a journal keeper.

We get emails from parents asking us what kale is because their kids are asking for it. That kind of extraordinary presence in the community is critical to the future of real food.

I save everything up until Sunday night because if I start sending emails on Saturday afternoon, then people have to start responding to me on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

My favourite emails are along the lines of, 'My 14-year-old doesn't read much, but I gave him your book and he finished it in two days.' This has been the most rewarding experience.

I don't understand the iPhone. I just don't get it. Don't ya'll have to write serious emails throughout the day? How can you possibly manage detailed missives on a phone with no keys?

I know that my cell phone in Iran... is bugged, and they listen in, and my emails, I'm sure, are monitored inside Iran. They have my email address; it's not like they can't snoop on it.

Oh, some day I'll tell you about why I wrote more than 1,500 Gmail filters. They throw away more than 300 emails every day. Every day. It's the best thing I ever did for my productivity.

The speech recognition is now good enough that I dictate emails on my phone rather than type them in. It's not perfect, but it's good enough that it changes how I interact with my phone.

I'm not a stone-thrower when it comes to Hillary Clinton and her emails and her server. I don't think there has been criminal intent on Hillary Clinton's part. I don't see an indictment.

I've worked my entire life to be this busy. I've worked my entire career to have this many things to do and this many emails to answer. Even when it's overwhelming, it's still a blessing.

Emily Gannett is tireless. I know this because I have traded emails with her at 2 A.M. only to later wake blearily to a chipper morning missive sent south of 6 A.M. before her morning run.

I'm an early bird, partly because I like to have some quiet time and partly because by 9am emails begin arriving, the phone starts ringing and I have dragons to kill of one sort or another.

To me, emails are a little bit frustrating. I think that the telephone is much preferred because you get the sound of the voice and the interest and everything else you can't see in an email.

In L.A., my house is surrounded by churches, and there are no cars, so it's really nice to just walk around before I go home to check my emails from Spain, which have been coming in all night.

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