Remember - the universal language is not texted, emailed, or spoken. It is felt.

Saving a letter from an old friend doesn't exist anymore. Everything is texted or emailed.

During the early stages of Zoom, I personally emailed every customer who canceled our service.

I've seen some great write ups and I emailed her the other night because I saw her on an awards show recently.

I'm self-taught and emailed photographers I knew if I had questions I couldn't figure out from the manual or online.

I love games. When I first saw 'Celebrity Family Feud,' I literally, in all caps, emailed my team and was like, 'Why am I not on this?'

Somebody emailed that to me a bit ago saying there was going to be a Kate Gosselin wig. I thought, 'Wow, is that really what my hair looks like?'

A whole bunch of months passed and I didn't hear anything and then he emailed and asked if I could do a little piece on POD and Queens of the Stone Age.

This sounds fake, but my first job lead when I moved to New York City, someone emailed me and asked, 'Would you want to be one of Lorne Michaels' assistants?'

For a fortnight nobody at all emailed me, or posted a follow-up. Doesn't anyone care, I thought? It turned out my newsreader was broken, and hadn't posted at all.

I remember looking up wrestling schools at the age of 10, and I emailed so many people. The responses were that I had to be 16 or 18 to train, and that was a bummer.

When we moved to L.A., I started going out for more commercials, and then one day they emailed me a movie script. The first thing I said was, 'No way. I love commercials.'

A lady emailed me that her child had been diagnosed with autism and that hearing my material on the subject had helped her. To me, it just means that I'm making the right decision in talking about this.

A few months ago, a friend emailed to simply ask, 'Do you get a piece of this?' The message included a link to a site selling T-shirts emblazoned with 'Directed by Robert B. Weide.' My wife soon ordered two.

We barely had cell phones on '90210.' It started in the '90s. That's pretty much when fax machines came into play. When I first got the script for '90210' I had to come into New York to get it. It was not emailed to me; there was no email.

I'm stunned at the amount of young women who get in touch with me every single day, trying to become somebody like me. As a teenager, I would never have done that. And I was someone who was interested in politics. But I wouldn't have emailed the local MP.

I put together an iPhone app called TrimIt and released that in July 2011. About a month later, the private fund of the Hong Kong billionaire Li-Kashing cold emailed me and expressed an interest to invest, but they didn't realize I was 15. They thought it was a U.K. company with a team.

This never happens, but I was writing with my friend Ryan Hurd and Eric Arjes, and we wrote this song called 'Last Turn Home.' The next day, my publisher emailed it to Tim McGraw's label. He listened to it, and I think within the week, he went into the studio and recorded it. And that never happens.

I had a tryout in Australia when I was 17 years old. The WWE contacted my trainers and asked who would be a few names that they would put forward for a tryout. My name was thrown in there, which I had only been wrestling for a year, and so I sent them back all my information after they emailed me and I was super excited.

When I was 12, I was living in Iowa, and I emailed so many wrestling schools, and one of them was actually in Boston. I joined it at 18 - the New England Pro Wrestling Academy. They were doing a fantasy camp. I was 17 about to turn 18. I told my mom, 'I'm 18 now. I just signed these papers by myself, and I'm going to do this.'

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