I used to focus a lot in Ozil. He has a lot of quality and a very elegant style of play.

I think people think of me as this elegant person because they always see me dressed up.

Even if I did have, you know, a 'Sports Illustrated' body, I'd still wear elegant clothes.

My mother was a beautiful lady, elegant, chic, and that was the biggest inspiration to me.

I'm not much to watch. I run, I fight, I'm not elegant like Raul, Figo, Zidane or Beckham.

My father has always written with Mont Blanc pens. It's very chic and elegant and classic.

Massimo Vignelli designed a timeless, elegant, and powerful identity for American Airlines.

Toshiro Mifune was such an elegant hero, and there's something really empathetic about him.

My hands are delicate and elegant, thank you very much. They're well-kept; my nails are clean.

When I was young, I looked up to Andriy Shevchenko. He was so elegant, and on the pitch as well.

Elegant is not what you wear, and it's not about how you wear it, but it's more about who you are.

Helena Bonham Carter - she's so stunning. She's really English, quintessential, elegant, charming.

Simple ingredients can be used to make elegant dishes with just a little extra attention to detail.

I'm not just muscles and headlocks. I need to prove to people that there is an elegant woman in here.

People say I am a classic designer. I don't try to be classic, but I do try to be simple and elegant.

I look at Google and think they have a strong academic culture. Elegant solutions to complex problems.

I think that a woman that is elegant herself is somebody who can dress herself easily and effortlessly.

It is impossible to think of any good meal, no matter how plain or elegant, without soup or bread in it.

I like the beach and would also love to learn golf because I think it is rather elegant for an older lady.

I must represent France, and I want to be elegant, and I want the French people to be proud of me, you know.

I love to shop at BCBG, because it's classy and elegant but a little bit sexy. It fits who I am in one store.

On vacation, you can wear all the colorful and casual clothing that you like, but you must always be elegant.

The Lux girl is every girl as far as I'm concerned. She can be shy, confident, boisterous, elegant, or clumsy.

I occasionally wear Miss Dior perfume. It's quite elegant and feminine. It reminds me of a romantic evening out.

I'm all about simple, elegant, and effective, and when I wear the rubber boot on my head, it draws a lot of attention.

My dad had a personal style which was very attractive. It was quite reserved and quite elegant, and it was infectious.

I defy any woman that doesn't feel more elegant and more groomed and ready for an evening than if you have a blow dry.

Virgil, above all poets, had a stock which I may call almost inexhaustible, of figurative, elegant, and sounding words.

A simple scoop-neck leotard highlights a ballerina's swanlike neck and elegant posture, both rooted in a powerful core.

I like to help women to spend not a lot of money - to feel powerful, elegant, glamorous, to feel good about themselves.

In journalism it is simpler to sound off than it is to find out. It is more elegant to pontificate than it is to sweat.

A knighthood would be a bit too much. An OBE or an MBE or whatever they are called, one of those would be more elegant.

For nighttime or for an event, I'm all about the nice heel. Something that's still walkable but definitely very elegant.

Without a knowledge of mythology much of the elegant literature of our own language cannot be understood and appreciated.

When I was little... I didn't relate to princesses. I saw Maleficent, and I just thought she was so - she was so elegant.

I don't like directing a lot of people. So trying to keep things really simple and elegant is my preferred way of working.

Hacking into a victim of crime's phone is a sort of poetically elegant manifestation of a modus operandi the tabloids have.

Don't wear dresses that are too tight. A size number is just a number. If the fit is comfortable, it will look more elegant.

The most beautiful products or the most elegant or seductive products, in my mind, are those that tell a story of a process.

I can think of a lot of women clients of mine who are well into their 50s or 60s who are still quintessentially very elegant.

Working out should be empowering! It should make you look and feel strong, elegant, healthy - the best possible version of you.

Naked need is the occasion for God's giving, not a need adorned with the clean, elegant robes of respectability and good works.

Anyone who has ever stopped to watch a hawk in flight will know that this is one of the natural world's most elegant phenomena.

As the 1960s began, a new breed of Hollywood leading lady was emerging. She was elegant, international, and wonderfully comedic.

Paul Smith's artwork was so elegant and so graphic, so I think that's always had a strong effect on me, especially starting out.

Contempt for happiness is usually contempt for other people's happiness, and is an elegant disguise for hatred of the human race.

When you have a big, ugly problem, there's never going to be a neat, elegant solution that is totally painless or without a cost.

Figure skating is theatrical. It's artistic. It's elegant. It's extremely athletic. And there's a very specific audience for that.

We served Twinkies and Sno Balls at our wedding. We put them on silver trays so they looked elegant - but they were the real deal!

Artistic credentials are au courant in the important business of being seen as cultured, elegant and, of course, stupendously rich.

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