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I don't want an elderly gentleman from Vienna with an umbrella inflicting his dreams upon me.
"What is the most beautiful word in the language?" The elderly lawyer quickly replied: "Home."
Here was a type of the true elder race, And one of Plutarch's men talked with us face to face.
Raking over the past and sifting its dust is an occupation for the idle or the elderly retired.
In our families we learn to love and to recognise the dignity of all, especially of the elderly
Films are deprived of the conventional elderly figures now. They are more into yo moms and dads.
Roman Catholicism: a hundred million people bowing down before a flesh-hating, elderly celibate.
It doesn't behoove elderly persons to follow fashion in their thinking nor in the way they dress.
Old age is wasted on the elderly: the young know what to do with it-insist on something different.
There are a lot of elderly people in Flint who are homebound and can't get the supplies they need.
Elderly people are like heat-seeking missiles for people who really have an interest in listening.
Anything that we can do to improve the lives of elderly people is welcome so far as I am concerned.
I make sure I do only audience-friendly films that can be watched with children and the elderly crowd.
I never leave a dog alone in a car on a hot day. I make sure it's with an elderly person holding a baby.
No elderly person should be like an “exile” in our families. The elderly are a treasure for our society.
An inebriated elderly gentleman in the last depths of shabbiness... played the calm and virtuous old men.
I think that society has to be careful not to shift all of its resources to the elderly versus the young.
We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger and the elderly are without medical assistance
In fact, Social Security is the only source of income nationwide for 29 percent of unmarried elderly women.
Robots will play an important role in providing physical assistance and even companionship for the elderly.
The irrational may be attractive in the abstract, but not in cab drives, dinner guests, or elderly relatives.
There are many rules for the elderly in the Highway Code. I have one too, and here it is: get a bloody move on.
You can't predict when a crisis might hit your family, whether it's with an elderly parent or with your children.
In winter the very ground seemed to reach up and grab the elderly, yanking them to earth as though hungry for them.
At 60 the sexual preoccupation, when it hits you, seems sometimes sharper, as if it were an elderly malady, like gout.
It's odd to meet a rather elderly man who says, 'I've been reading you all my life.' It makes you feel a slight chill.
Elderly people, I have found, when they're being honest, are also scumbags, and enjoy a little prurient humour as well.
Republican candidates had to appeal to their base, which is by and large elderly white people arguing with empty chairs.
My first job was when I was about 12, cleaning houses in the afternoons for different elderly women in town. I hated it.
The coconut trees, lithe and graceful, crowd the beach like a minuet of slender elderly virgins adopting flippant poses.
My whole childhood was like: Work hard, be quiet, respect elderly people, respect your parents, and just be unobtrusive.
The moral test of a society is how that society treats those who are in the dawn of life: the children; ... the elderly.
The greatest discovery of the 20th Century is that our attitude of mind determines our quality of life, not circumstances.
What kind of nation are we when we give tax breaks to billionaires, but we can't take care of the elderly and the children.
Across society, the lion's share of caring responsibility - whether for children or elderly relatives - still falls on women.
The Republicans want to turn Medicare into a voucher plan that will end guaranteed coverage of medical bills for the elderly.
I am not in love with you," she said. "It is an infatuation. I have heard of such derangements happening to elderly spinsters.
I am a member of the 'sandwich' generation, that group that must simultaneously care for elderly parents and support children.
Women are more verbal than men. That's why when you see an elderly couple together, it's always the man who has the hearing aid.
It is strange how the elderly fall silent when they ought to go on speaking, obliging the young to learn everything from scratch.
If you want to write something of length, however modern and radical, you must live the life of an elderly gentleman of the 1950s.
The way the elderly are treated, and in some cases warehoused and medicated, rather than nurtured and listened to, is distressing.
When elderly invalids meet with fellow-victims of their own ailments, then at last real conversation begins, and life is delicious.
A healthy community is one in which the elderly protect, care for, love and assist the younger ones to provide continuity and hope.
It's clear that means testing can direct limited resources to the elderly in need and achieve better results in poverty alleviation.
At the toughest times I recalled how the children and the elderly looked at me with trustful eyes. Your faith has given me strength.
The plight of uninsured children, elderly persons, and so many others whose lack of health insurance is genuinely a national scandal.
I've always said when age or infirmity gets the better of me, I'm off to whichever civilised country lets the elderly die with dignity.
Even under the best of circumstances - in twenty-first century America at least - caring for elderly parents ain't no place for sissies.
American workers are the best in the world. They teach our children, care for our sick and elderly, build our communities, and much more.