I don't want to elbow someone; I just defend myself.

I don't know my armpit from my elbow in Los Angeles.

I've had surgery on my knee and both feet and my elbow.

The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice.

It's going to be the year of the sharp elbow and the quick tongue.

When I was five, I compound-fractured my arm, pulverising my elbow.

I've had extraordinary good luck with my health, other than a broken elbow.

I don't look at film that closely about my mechanics of where's my elbow at.

My father was an outfielder in the Milwaukee system before he hurt his elbow.

I can lick my elbow. I know that's supposed to be impossible, but I can do it!

I don't have shame with my body. I don't find a breast more vulnerable than an elbow.

I started getting RSI in my wrists and my elbow from playing really hard, so I started looping.

I got a couple of front teeth knocked out during a football match when I was hit by a flying elbow.

There's a band in the U.K. called Elbow. They're not that big in the U.S., but I think they're genius.

My first five years, I missed a ton of games. I had elbow surgery twice; I had wrist surgery, knee surgery.

To me, if people think about wrestling, they think about elbow drops, body slams, and stringing somebody in the circle.

I like to have this gut to put my elbow on it when I putt because I did it for so long. I just feel healthier this way.

I have no trouble with the twelve inches between my elbow and my palm. It's the seven inches between my ears that's bent.

I trained in combat, sword fighting, horse riding... It's empowering knowing that I can a break man's nose with my elbow.

As the flagrant foul's official mascot, Anthony Mason had the genteel refinement of an intentional elbow to the eye socket.

Medical attention is medical attention, whether it's for your elbow or for your teeth or for your brain. And it's important.

'MasterChef' delivers all the reassuring, cadenced repetition of an endless chore without any of the bothersome elbow grease.

My father was a Norwegian who came from a small town near Oslo. He broke his arm at the elbow when he was 14, and they amputated it.

No man lives without jostling and being jostled; in all ways he has to elbow himself through the world, giving and receiving offence.

I've been in the hospital once when I had my daughter, and, oh, when I broke my elbow, but other than that, I've been very fortunate.

I think I've broken every finger, and my wrist on a tennis court in Guyana, and at 33 you get other injuries like hernias and tennis elbow.

The goal of mass transit is to convince people to abandon their cars, which feature such enticing accessories as CD players and elbow room.

When I'm marketing a film, whether its mine or someone else's, I work with a great deal of strategy and elbow grease until the job is done.

Most mutations involve typos: Something bumps a cell's elbow as it's copying DNA, and the wrong letter appears in a triplet - CAG becomes CCG.

I used to do this huge jump off the drum riser. I had a good way of landing so I wouldn't hurt myself, but then one time, I landed on my elbow.

I'm quite used to playing with few injuries, whether it is back, fingers, elbow, or something else. You have to be tough and get on with the game.

We played at a club called, the Elbow Room. Don Carlos, the nightclub owner, was very hip and a very important person who made a big impact on my life.

Maine out of season is unmistakably a great destination: hospitable, good-humored, plenty of elbow room, short days, dark nights of crackling ice crystals.

I'm as strong and supple as a pane of thin glass. I've got too many ailments - left shoulder, left elbow and left wrist - in fact, the whole of the left arm.

I was dyslexic and didn't know it until I was 31. Couldn't do math, spell, or tell left from right - left was the elbow that stuck out the window while I drove.

Everyone knows the presidential candidates and has an opinion about them. But as you get to smaller races, that evaporates and you can win through sheer elbow grease.

My dad taught me really early so I could take a lot of pressure off my elbow. Because the way I throw it, it doesn't crank up my elbow like everyone else's curveballs.

You know how I learned to shoot? I watched white people. Just regular white people. They really put their elbow in and finish up top. You can find videos of them online.

In my day, defenders played you with two hands and an elbow. You're not getting by a guy, especially if he has an elbow and a hand on you and is a strong defensive player.

But, then again, I had to stop because there was too much pain or too much trouble. After I retired I still had one more elbow surgery just to be able to do normal things.

You win football games by first getting possession and then running 3- and 5-yard plays. Not by Hail Mary passes. Common sense, elbow grease, and keeping a positive attitude.

Each match is a huge effort from a physical point of view. You can only hit so many balls before your elbow or some part of your body is going to say, 'Hey, don't do that to me.'

But in 2000, the injuries really started to kick in and my elbow gave a lot of problems. At the end of the year I had to take 20 months off before I could come back into the game.

The Tigris in parts is wonderfully tortuous, and at one great bend, 'The Devil's Elbow,' a man on foot can walk the distance in less than an hour which takes the steamer four hours to accomplish.

It meant a lot because it was my first time to compete as a senior at that meet, which was kind of weird because I've done senior all year, but I didn't get to compete last year because of my elbow.

I got into a bad habit of dropping my elbow and pushing the ball to the plate instead of getting on top of it and using some leverage to get it down in the strike zone or get some depth with the ball.

Even if your bosoms are your best asset, deep round-neck or scoop-neck Ts can be too revealing. Offset this flash of gorgeousness by covering up your arms with a little cardi that has sleeves to the elbow.

I have an elbow that bends the wrong way, and I'd do things like stand in an elevator and the doors would close, and I'd pretend that my arm had got caught in it, and then I'd scream, 'Ow, ow, put it back!'

Exercise has its hazards. Runners are sidelined by shinsplints, freestylists by swimmer's ear, and who hasn't heard of tennis elbow? But the fitness buff of the '90s has a far greater worry. StairMaster Butt.

I was in a lake in 'Love Actually', and I was attacked by some hideous aquatic beast and was rushed to the hospital by a man named Rafael! Something stung my elbow, and it blew up to the size of a tennis ball.

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